Chapter Twenty Three: Roads

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"I'm all done!" I walked into the piano room causing Ivan to get startled,
"Oh my god why did you yell like that?" He sighed,

He was on the couch next to the huge window,
He stretched his legs on the sofa and literally melted into it,he had a cup of what smelled like coffee in one hand while holding a book in the other,
"Shouldn't everyone wake up by now?" I looked around for a clock,

"It's still early,give them some more time they usually wake up at six everyday so it should be okay" he said taking a look at his hand watch,
"Could you play the piano then?" I suggested,

"I Remember you said you would give me piano lessons,but we never surpassed lesson one" i walked to the white grand piano,
"As much as i'd love to,it will wake everyone up" he politely rejected the idea,
I sighed and walked back to the couch,

"It's so lonely and boring around here" i sighed,
"Hey come here" he sat up and took me by the hand,i took off my high heels climbed onto the couch laying beside him but sort of on him as well since the couch wasn't big enough for the two of us,

"What do you want?" He asked and locked his hand with mine after putting the cup of coffee and book on the coffee table,
"I don't know it's just boring and lonely,"
I complained,
"I used to hate going to college but now i really wanna go back"

"Well if this is about leaving the house then you should probably forget about it." He suddenly got pissed and his tone changed from a soft gentle tone to a harsh and aggressive one,

"No I didn't mean that.." I tried to save myself from this situation,
"Then what did you mean" he asked waiting for a good excuse,
"I-,Nevermind..." I sighed and gave up on trying to convince him,

"I'm not going to repeat this Hana, but if you think that you could leave the house you'd be only fooling yourself,i do love you and trust you but I'm not going to take risks,even if you were to make it out of the house and fly to any other country I'd still find you." He threatened

"You're scaring me" I slowly started sitting up and slipping away from him,
"You don't think that just because you are sugarcoating your situation and sleeping with me means that I'm stupid to trick,and if i were to find out that everything you've been doing and saying was just an act I'd make sure to give you a taste of your own medicine" he grabbed my arm and squeezed it in a painful way,

"Ivan this hurts" I tried breaking the tight grip he had on my arm but it only got worse,his nails dug into my skin,
"I warned you multiple times about being careful saying stuff you should not be saying"
He ignored my attempt of getting out of his hands,

"Ivan you are really hurting me right now" i said more seriously trying to make him get back into his senses,

"I don't fucking care" he pulled my arm closer and his face was just inches away from mine,
"The only time you could leave this house is if you are getting buried" he pushed me too hard causing me to fall onto the floor,

my wrist hit the coffee table falling on the ground with the coffee cup,fortunately to my luck the coffee wasn't as hot to burn my hand but the cup shattered cutting my hand,

I groaned and sat up to notice my palm bleeding,just how fucking great,he never fails to make me bleed,i sat up NOT surprised and reached for tissues on the coffee table,he sat expressionless looking outside the window with his arms folded as if nothing happened,

He hadn't realized that he hurt me,I grabbed a few more tissues and dabbed them on my palm,the cut stung and kept bleeding but what can i do.

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