Chapter Thirty: Both of you

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"What if the results come out negative?" I asked hesitating to talk,he kept telling me he needed to work but I insisted i stay with him,
He took me to his office which was packed with books and papers,a big messy desk sat in the middle of the room,the books on the shelves started to collect dust and i was a little surprised to how clean every inch of the house is except this room,

Merely because Ivan doesn't like anyone going into his office,he keeps it locked away from everyone,a paper in this room could singlehandedly ruin years worth of work,but luckily he trusted me enough.

"Well then we will keep living and I'll put you on Birth control" he answered pretty effortlessly given the fact that its a serious question,
"How come you didn't for once think that I'd get pregnant? You should know this everyone does,your reaction to my pregnancy was as if you never had sex before,it was both weird and suspicious" I stopped running my fingers through the dusty books and approached his desk,

He took off his glasses and put his papers down to focus on answering my question,
"Well I suppose you want an explanation?" He chuckled, "the reason is really stupid come to think of it now," he started,

"I lived my whole life thinking i wasn't able to have children,it's because simply,with protection or not none of the girls i had slept with got pregnant so i just lived thinking that it's my fault and I'm safe from getting anyone pregnant" he explained with continuous sighs of cringe,he really thought that he wasn't fertile at all,

"Oh that's really stupid,they could've been on birth control you know" I shrugged,
"Everyone told me that you dated models and important business women and CEO's daughters,why would they ruin their careers by having children" i rolled my eyes,

"How did you know that?" He asked giggling at my reaction,
"I know everything" I shrugged and sassily flipped my hair,
"You sure do" he said and put his glasses back to sign whatever the papers required,

"Ivan..." i sighed sitting down on the window seat and looking outside,
"Hm?" He hummed and continued to check documents,

"I'm really bored with this life,like really really bored,it's so isolating and i feel like I'm suffocating," I explained knowing how he will react i still said what was bothering me,
I could hear him sigh,he was tired of explaining and explaining but i was not tired of asking,

He ignored me again and continued to work on the papers,bored I stood up and started to look in the drawers and cupboards,until i came over a little vintage box,there seemed to be a little writing or something craved on it,but I couldn't figure out what it was because of the piles of dust on the box,

I inhaled and blowed on the box sending the dust flying everywhere,i ran my hand on the words and and it read, "1991 -Everly."

Strange,it looked like it was craved by hand,the writing was definitely sloppy but this box is twenty eight years old so compared to the age and how well the writing is doing I can't complain,

I looked over my shoulder to see that Ivan is still too focused on his papers to notice me,
I opened the box that was pretty heavy and big,
Strangely it didn't require any keys,even though it had a lock,

I opened the box to see yellow papers with dates and sentences written cursive,
Pictures and cut out newspaper articles,and even letters.

I felt like i was invading privacy,and i was going to put it back until a photo caught my eye,i picked up the worn out photograph,to get a better look,
It was a woman holding a new born baby in her arms,she was sitting on a couch and smiling while she rocked the grumpy child,

She had curly hair that didn't surpass her shoulder length,but it was tied and away from her face,I couldn't quite see her features but she was quite pretty,she wore a floral dress on top of a turtleneck with a thin long cardigan over it,

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