Chapter Thirty Three: Don't leave me

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"Let me help you ma'am" Ivan's same personal guard came to help me with my bag,it had a few new dresses Maria bought for me and medicine from the hospital,
I always see that guard but i never happened to know his name,
"Thank you" i gave him the heavy bag because I  couldn't honestly carry it up the stairs,
As he got up at the speed of light and I continued after him,

"Please keep it in this room" i said before he could pass my room,He nodded and put the bag on the bed,he head for the door but before he could go out I stopped him,
"Wait! Can you please tell me your name?" I asked before he could leave,

"My full name?" He asked confused,
"No just your first name so i could call you by it" I replied with an awkward laugh,
"Oh,my name is Eric" he replied,
"Nice to meet you Eric,at least i can call you something other than 'guard' from now on" i joked,
"I'm glad" he smiled gently

"What are you guys doing here?" Ivan walked in with his hands behind his back,
"Oh i asked him to help me carry the heavy bag," i replied,not lying but fixing some sentences,i know how serious these types of situations are for Ivan so a white lie wouldn't hurt.

"Didn't i ask you to wait? I was going to help you with it" Ivan whined feeling guilty for not helping me with the bag,
"It's okay" I reassured,

"I actually wanted to show you something,and i know it might seem a little scary for you but i need you to come and see it" he grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the room,

He walked me all the way downstairs and we arrived to a door i was always restricted from opening,

"Now i want you to know that whatever you're going to see,don't worry okay? Don't be scared"
He tightened his grip on my hand and took out some keys and unlocked the door,i was a little worried and nervous what am I going to see?

"Come" he walked in first then I hesitatingly followed,it was a dim tight hallway,
The more we walked the more my hands began to sweat,there was one light that kept twitching,it looked like it was going to blast any second now,

"Ivan what is this place?" I asked looking over at him,he didn't answer me,he kept walking not loosing his grip,in my palm,
"Careful" he stopped and pointed at the stairs going down,this place goes deeper?
He walked before me and I followed carefully not to slip,

We finally reached a metal door that was so protected that it had a digital lock,
The metal door was big and one single light bulb lit up the place,

He didn't try to block of hide the PIN passcode from me,he gently and carefully entered:
Thats my birthday...28th of December 1995,

The smell of bleach was definitely the strongest right now,as if someone went on a ballistic cleaning spree, the door made a beeping sound and opened,

The first thing i saw was that iron bed looking thing in the middle,like an operating table in a surgery room except it didn't have any thing on it,it was plain iron,some broken lights hanging on top,And numerous polls hanging around,

There was a long iron counter that had a sink,
Some chemicals and medicine,pills and syringes in all sizes,butcher knives all the way to medical knives and scalpels.

Cottons,scissors and latex gloves,tissues and any other thing that looks like it would be used in a surgery,there was another place that was hidden behind some curtains,
"Ivan what is this place-" i turned around to him but I didn't find him there,
"I-Ivan?" I called again,

He Suddenly wrapped his arm around me while he pressed a cold scalpel on my neck,
I panicked and tried to wiggle away but he only brought the scalpel closer to my skin,it was cold and scary,what is he doing?

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