Chapter Five: giving up

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"Irene " I felt something brushing my cheeks
"Wake up Irene " a soothing voice called for me,
"I don't want to wake up" I spoke half asleep
"I don't wanna wake up Alice, let me sleep

Maybe I was right, it's only just a nightmare, see? It Alice is about to wake me up, and I'm sleeping in my comfy bed, wrapped up in the embrace of my comfy warm blankets and puffy pillows while it's snowing outside,
"But Irene, if you don't wake up how would we have fun?" The calming voice that once called for me is no longer there, it's now deep and raspy and I was confused and almost shattered,

Where is Alice? I promise I'll wake up Alice don't leave just-......not yet,
Why is this place so cold? Why is it so uncomfortable And stiff, rough...
I wasn't laying in my comfortable bed anymore I wasn't surrounded by my puffy pillows and warm blankets,

I was hearing water dripping, I heard the rain pouring and thunder blasting I was scared I was cold I was longing for the warmth of my bed,
I opened my eyes, but all I saw was darkness, I was blindfolded, where am I? I tried to move my hands but both of them were tied tight, but I could tell that I was sitting in a puddle of water.

I started trying to break out from the ties, my heart started beating faster and I eventually was struggling in a cold sweat,
It was a mix of disappointment and fear when I realized that I'm still in the hands of him, the monster who thinks that this was love, I slowly recalled everything that had happened,

What type of punishment is he planning? What is this?
"Ahhhh you finally woke up, I was worried I gave you a little extra" I felt him brush my cheeks with his finger again,
"Where am I, what the hell did you do to me" I yelled shaking the chains that tied my hands, my voice echoed through the room,

"WHY CAN'T YOU FUCKING LEAVE ME?" I yelled, I was so scared that I was shaking yet I was so mad I wanted to shout,
It was a mix of regret and fright when he pulled me close to him by my hair, close enough to feel his hot breath on my cheek,

"If you shout one more time I'll make sure you regret it," he whispered in a serious tone, I could imagine the serious look on his face, I could imagine him staring at me with a poker face watching me shake in fear,

"I will remove your blindfold but if you try to make a noise I'm going to throw a cable in this puddle of water you are sitting in and you will be more than fucking dead, understood?" He tightened his grip on my hair, it felt as if my hair was gonna rip out,
I nodded in response, not sure what I was about to see, or what I'm going to regret seeing.

He let go of my hair and untied the blindfold, the sudden exposure to light caused me to blink my eyes multiple times until my eyes were finally used to the light again,
The first thing I saw was my bare legs, I was wearing nothing but my underwear, somehow there were red stains on my white bra, there were red handprints on my arms and ankles and I was sitting in a bathtub,

It's probably blood, but..who's?
I looked up to see Ivan smiling at me while he leaned on the bathtub folding his arms and placing them on the edge while he rested his chin between them,
"You must be confused, but it's ok I'll explain" he gave me the same innocent smile the one that made my heart flutter that day I met him at the cafe, where his eyes smiled with him and his face lit up

"You tried to leave me, and I'm trying to make sure that thought never crosses your mind again" he spoke as his fingers moved from my cheeks down to my collarbone,
"Wh-what are you going to do," I asked
"Oh-" he didn't answer.

"Tsk I ruined your clean white bra, with my clumsy bloody hand, trust me that friend of yours, it's his fault" I was disgusted seeing him so focused on my bra or my chest,
I realized that he was most likely talking about kyle, I wanted to scream but I had to keep calm, I couldn't risk triggering his psychotic.. tendencies.
"What did to him" I gulped when I wanted to shout, he is fucking crazy but again, I had to stay calm if I wanted to stay alive,

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