Chapter Thirteen: a plan

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The door opened wide and Maria came in,
Nancy followed her in closing the door behind her,

Both of their expressions shifted when meeting my gaze,they looked surprised to see me awake,Maria had an IV bag in her hands,I looked up the IV pole to check the bag that was already on and it looks like it's done,

"Oh Well good morning i guess" Nancy joked greeting me with her usual warm smile,
"You are finally awake" Maria spoke too but she seemed almost uninterested or unbothered by the whole situation,

"How do you feel" Nancy asked crossing her arms while she slowly leaned on the wall,
"Well,it's really weird I can't remember what happened but I'm feeling fine i guess" I answered,

"Well I'm sure you wanna know what happened" Maria walked to the IV pole to change the bag,

"You fainted because of dehydration" Nancy finally broke the news,
"Oh" I replied speechless,my health was never this poor,

"Don't underestimate the power of dehydration,it's serious and people die from it" Maria explained,
"How bad is it?" I asked,

"Really bad. The doctor said that you already have a weak immune system,and just a weak body in general so when you don't drink anything for 2 Days of course it could be life threatening," she explained it to me in all casualty,I don't remember having a "weak body" i was always healthy and I always took care of my health,if it wasn't me then Alice would've done it,

I took a deep breath not saying anything,
I looked at the clock and it wasn't late at all,
It was 2:30pm,I must've been out for an hour or two,

"Maria" I called her name hoping that she wouldn't be bothered by my continues questions,
"Yes Darling?" She answered,
"I'm really hungry right now" I rubbed my hands together as i continued,
"Really thirsty too,could you please if you don't mind....Make me something to eat?"

"Of course I'll prepare you something to eat,something that could make you feel a little better" she smiled,and accepted my little favor
"Nancy will keep you company until i finish" before she left she walked to the closet opening the last drawer that had blankets and pillows in,She took out a blanket and walked to the bed covering Ivan with it after removing his shoes,

"He is Evil,But he was once a child too" she said with a sad smile on her face,
"Trust me Hana,He isn't what you think he is,He went through hell" she ran her fingers through his silky black hair,giving me one last sad smile before walking to the door.

She left the room letting it sink in silence,
I looked at Nancy and she was clearly pissed,
She rolled her eyes and looked at Ivan,

"Went through hell my ass" she yelled,
"That isn't an excuse to hurt people"
"Nancy,calm down we don't want him to bless us with his presence" I said in a sarcastic tone,she let out a small giggle in response,

"How are you so calm,if i was you I would've shoved a knife down his throat and flew out of here" she snapped,
"Its not that easy Nancy,you can't just kill someone" I smirked,

I felt Ivans arm wrap around my waist,
He came closer to me and kissed my arm,
"Get out Nancy" he said in a Sleepy voice,
"Don't try any funny moves" Nancy gave me a smile before existing the room,so casually.

I didn't want her to leave me with that asshole again,
"Why don't you take care of yourself? You scared me" he hugged me tighter

"Saying such stupid shit won't make you look innocent Ivan" I exclaimed mockingly,
He stood up and looked me in the eyes,staring deep into my soul,

"What do you want me to do? apologies?" He smirked,
"You know what will happen if you disrespect me and you just did again"

"I-" I opened my mouth to talk but everything from yesterday rushed back into my mind and made me swallow the words,
"Being sick won't stop me from doing anything so you better not think your health will get you out of this"

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