Chapter Twenty Four: Slow Dance

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"Enjoy your stay" Cody handed Ivan the key card as we entered the suit,
"We will, Thank you" Ivan thanked him tiredly,
"No problem Man,call me if you need anything" Cody pat Ivan's shoulder and walked out of the suit closing the door behind him,

"This place is huge" i got excited and started exploring the place,it was so big,Ivan turned the lights on making the place look even more luxurious,

There were a few other rooms in the place as well,a little living space in the middle with a big TV screen,and a bar when you first enter the room,

"It gets better" Ivan grabbed a small remote laying around and pressed a button,
All the curtains in the room opened by themselves to show a breath-taking view of the city,

"Gosh this place is so beautiful!" I ran to the huge windows looking for the door so i could open it and go outside,

"Hey Hey,No" Ivan quickly stopped me from going outside,
"It's too cold,we are literally two floors away from being the top floor you can touch the clouds when it gets cloudy" he explained,

"But i wanna see the city!" I whined,
"It's too cold I don't want you to get sick you only have one coat on" he still didn't let me go out on the big balcony,

"Oh man" i sighed,
"I'm so tired" He groaned and took off his long black coat and threw it on the sofa,he unbuttoned his vest and took it off as well,

He rolled up his sleeves and unbuttoned some of the first buttons on his shirt so that he could be more comfortable,he sat on the sofa and turned on the TV and fireplace from his spot not needing to move a limp,

What am I supposed to do now?
Probably shower and get ready for the party,
"Hey Asshole" Nancy kicked the door open,
"Why and how the hell are you here?" Ivan sighed clearly annoyed at her presence,

"I have the Same keys as my 'Fiancé' "
She smirked,
"Please get out of here,I'm in no mood for you" Ivan stood up and pointed at the door,

"Okay give me my bags at least?" She crossed her arms and waited for him to tell her where they are,
"They are in your suit." He rubbed the bridge of his nose in frustration,

"They are not." She argued,
"Room 202,I'm sure they are there" check the number you have in your hands,
"Eh it's 209" she yelled,
"Yeah,you have the Keys to my room," He was so done,he was about to get more pissed,

"I think The keys for 202 should've been with me and he gave a spare key card of 209 to Nancy" i said trying to calm the two sides down,

"ask Cody,he must've done a mistake.
if 202 was meant to be my suit I'll go there" I suggested,
"202 is Kiel's room.i asked Cody to switch your cards so you could stay with me and Nancy could stay with Kiel," he finally cleared up the confusion,

"Are you juggling me from room to room like I'm some fucking balls?" Nancy blurted clearly annoyed about the whole idea,
"You are well aware that these suits each have at least two master beds" Ivan added,
"I'm not moving you to a whorehouse"

"Whatever it's better than staying with you" she yelled, and ran out of the room.
202 is kiel's room,so remember that just in case.

"Irene go get ready,do what you need to do" he stressed.
"Uh yes," I grabbed my bags and got out all the things i needed for the evening.


"i need to leave the room because they are calling for me,but Kiel will come in a second okay? Come down with him" I heard Ivan say from the other side of the door,
"Uhuh okay!" I assured.

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