Chapter Twenty: Lover Conflicts

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"Hey" i heard a faint voice coming from the distance,
"Everhart!" I could recognize who it was,it was none other than Kiel,

"Wake up" he gently pat my head,
I opened my eyes and saw him by my side,he was kneeling on both knees and his arms were on the bed,
His chin was resting in his palms and he smiled from ear to ear,

"Good morning,sorry to wake you up but it's getting late" he grinned,
"How were you allowed in?" I asked as i sat up to stretch,

"What do you mean?" He asked getting up aswell, "How did Ivan let you in my room?" I yawned,

"Well" he sat on the edge of the bed,
"He wouldn't be able to say anything, he's been busy with Master"

"Master??" I raised my right eyebrow,
"Ivan's father has arrived" he finally announced,i felt a strike of fear and anger when everything from yesterday started replaying in my head,

I looked at the sheets,
"What the hell??" I cursed when i looked at the clean comforters, weren't they soaked in blood just yesterday??

"What's wrong Hana?" He looked at the comforter equally confused,
"There was blood, blood everywhere, whe-where did the blood go?!" I ran my hands on the soft cover trying to search for the blood,

"There is no blood Hana" He grabbed my shoulder and turned me to his direction to get my attention,
"But yesterday, the girl the blood i was sedated-" i panicked,

"What are you talking about?" He interrupted me, "you probably had a nightmare Hana none of that happened"

"It did, i will prove it!" I took off my shirt,
"Hana- wh-what are you doing?!" He covered his eyes, "I'm wearing a bra relax" i ran to the mirror,

I tried to look for the bruises i got yesterday but there was none NOTHING, I looked under the bed and through my clothes but nothing-
"Kiel i swear it happened I'm not making shit up!" I yelled,

"Hana trust me you are just tired" he stood up,
"It happened you are just trying to make me forget!" I argued,
"Hana!" He held both of my shoulders and shook me back to my senses,

"None of this happened, yesterday you said that you were tired and excused yourself from dinner, you said that you had a headache and so Ivan guided you back here to your room" he explained,
"It can't be I'm so sure!" I still refused to believe,

"Hana please believe me-" his gaze slowly went down to my chest which was too close to his,
,He cleared his throat and awkward looked to the side,

"Ah" I noticed and grabbed my shirt,
"Hold on!" I squinted my eyes,
I ran to the drawer and tried opening it but it was locked,

But i was determined to prove that I'm sure,
I put my legs on the sides and pulled with all my strength,
"Hana you are going to break this drawer!" He yelled and tried to stop me,

"That's the fucking point" i pulled harder,
I was unlucky when the handle broke, but still I'm not giving up, I ran outside the room creeped to Ivan's room,Kiel came after me trying to stop me from whatever i was planning to do,

I opened the door to Ivan's room and to my luck he wasn't there,I slowly walked to the fireplace and grabbed the fireplace poker,
"What are you doing?!" Kiel whispered,

"Shuh just watch" i giggled evilly,
We both ran back to the room,
I placed the poker on the edge of the drawer applying more pressure and I finally heard the click sound i was waiting for,

I opened the drawer and i found all the syringes and needles and medicine,
I found a wrapper stained with blood and i was never happier to know that my sanity was still there,

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