Chapter Twenty One: A Small gift

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"I'm starting to get skeptical wether you were really having a stomachache" Kiel who was sitting next to me on the couch started babbling,
"Its none of your business shut it" I slapped his shoulder,

Ivan quickly left just as he said,i was a little pissed because it all happened too quick and I didn't get to spend time with him after we had finished,he said that he had business to take care of and by the time I walked downstairs everyone was in the living room just having family time i guess you could say,only Master wasn't there alongside Ivan and Nancy,

It was usual to me i just cozied up with my new best friend Kiel,i had the biggest impression that he'd be a big asshole and a douchebag,
But spending time with him he seemed kind of misunderstood,

He was surprisingly laidback and humble and he acted like a child despite him being in his mid-twenties,he kept telling me cool stories and jokes about his adventures and life in France i felt like I truly made my first friend here and I've only known him for two days,

"You are not a fuckboy after all" I laughed
"How dare you accuse me of such things!" He dramatically sighed,
I looked at the clock and it was already 6pm Ivan was outside for couple of hours now,the rest of my day was fairly just spending time in the garden with Kiel,but i was also taking my time to get to know the family and they all were unique in their own way.

It was already dark outside,but suddenly the doors opened and both Master and Ivan walked in, Ivan had a few huge bags with him and as Master walked in first the guards walked in after him,

Ivan was wearing a long brown coat similar to the one he wore on the night we met the only difference is that the one he wore that night was black,And a black turtleneck underneath,
And for Master,he was just wearing his usual black suit.

"Welcome back Master!" Candace who was overly excited jumped,
"I was waiting for you to arrive,i have really big news" she couldn't contain her smile and excitement,
"What is it?" Kiel asked her equally confused as everyone else in the room because if she was hiding her excitement she did a great job this whole morning,

"Sure thing dear I'll go rest for a while,and while I'm gone" he eyed Ivan,
"Bring the Christmas tree out"

When he said that was when I realized that I didn't see any Christmas trees around,it was already a little far into December Christmas being about twelve days away,
"What's the point? Christmas is a week away" Ivan argued,
"You never bring the tree out,ever since your mothers death you have always spent Christmas alone so please you are older now it's okay to move on" his father who sounded worried advised him,

"Stay out of my life" Ivan fiercely talked back,
"I don't want to argue with you here in-front of family so bring the tree out and decorate it,make sure everyone packs up for tomorrow,we will leave early, the resort is far away" he smacked his cane hard on the floor making the sound echo through the room,

"Whatever, the tree is in the attic and so are the decorations, be careful it hasn't been touched since Master's last visit three years ago" Ivan ordered and the men went rushing to get the stuff,

"I'll be in my room" Ivan made sure to look straight into my eyes i knew that he wanted me to meet him upstairs,
"Shouldn't we start packing?" I looked at kiel,
"I already packed" he uninterestedly answered,
"Well I didn't" i took a deep breath, that boy was slow

"Just go pack do you need me in everything?" He smirked,
"Jeez okay!" I stomped my feet and head upstairs,

"Ivan?" I knocked on the door and he was quick to open and let me walk in myself not him dragging me in,but i made sure to close the door after me,
"Looks like you need something" I leaned against the closed door,

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