Chapter Twenty Five Pt.1: Don't Touch Whats not Yours

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Kiel pushed me on the bed and stripped from his shirt and blazer,
"I have protection don't worry" he said between kisses,

I was still hesitant about it i had to make up my mind quickly before we reached a point of no turning back,his smelled of strong alcohol,
I hated that smell,the smell of mistakes and subconscious decisions,

My dress slipped up all the way to my hips,
My thighs were exposed and the dress was slowly and loosely slipping off my body,

Kiel explored my chest making sure to leave his marks on each spot,
I was being touched by someone new,i was still awkward with it,
This person isn't used to my body they don't know it,he doesn't understand it,it's not the same....

Kiel paused slowly pulling away from me,
With his half open eyes he looked into mine,
He looked into my teary eyes and brushed my bottom lip with his thumb as his cold naked chest hovered over mine,

He closed his eyes and leaned in for another kiss,i awkward closed my eyes and waited for his lips until i felt a strong force separate us,
I opened my eyes to see Kiel being pulled back by Ivan,

Ivan punched him causing him to fall flat onto the floor,he groaned in pain and rubbed his sore cheek,

"Don't you fucking touch what's mine!" Ivan yelled in anger and grabbed him again,
He punched him again and again,scared that he might kill Kiel for real i ran to stop him,

"That's enough Ivan!" I grabbed his wrist to stop him from punching,
Kiel kept groaning in pain and he tried to sit up coughing blood on the marble floor,

"You were going to kill him!!" I cried,
He grabbed my shoulder and slapped me too causing me to fall on the bed,I cried quietly taking in the pain,this slap was harder than any slap I've gotten from him,i felt my lips bleed,
I dabbed my fingers on the wet spot of my lips and i saw blood,

"Do you forget who you belong with once you have two drinks?!?" Ivan shouted,he was really angry as angry as the night i dared to slap him,
I was shaking in fear,what have i done?!?

"Ivan don't act like you're the innocent one" Kiel struggled,
"I swear if you weren't my fucking cousin you would've been getting your eyes ripped out of your fucking skull right now" Ivan yelled,
"Don't touch what's not yours!" He kicked him again one last time,

"And you" He turned back to me,
"You're coming with me" he grabbed me from my wrist and dragged me out of the room,


He opened the door and dragged me into the room,he threw me on the bed and rolled up his sleeves,

"What were you thinking?!?" He yelled,
"What were YOU thinking?!" I made up the courage to get up and argue,i had the right to.

"What the hell are you talking about?!" He stressed,
"You said that you loved me,and you are doing your best to care for me!" I yelled,
"Yet you were fucking someone else while i was throwing up downstairs!" I cried

"Why?! Why can you freely do what you want while I'm the one who has to deal with the consequences and the emotions that come with them?!" I probably ruined my makeup more,i looked really ugly,ugly crying.
"You were on this bed in some sluts pants,tell me, does that not count as cheating?!?"

"Everytime i fall for you,everytime i feel like accepting you even though you kill,abuse,torture" I explained with a little less shouting, "everytime i think that you can be better and you're forced to do this,you prove me wrong" I hopelessly sat on the edge of the bed with my face buried in my hands,
He was in shock,he stood quietly didn't know what to do or say,

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