Chapter Twenty Two: About sanity

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"Your arm is seriously annoying" i pushed Kiel's arm away blabbering half asleep,
"Jeez I'm never sleeping next to you again"

Kiel who was sharing the room with me wasn't much of a light sleeper,he slept like a rock except he moved too much,After arguing all night about who was going to sleep on the bed we came to a final decision and it's to just share the bed,

Of course i was skeptical on sharing the bed first but after all we are both responsible adults and not mindless teenagers who find sharing a bed too scandalous,it was pointless anyways after all the bed was pretty spacious that it could fit two people and a half,i think...probably...

But anyways being the light sleeper i am I couldn't stand Kiel who kept moving and waking me up,Ivan always sleeps like he is dead he never moves or wakes up,and he never makes a single sound,

I woke up at last and sat up completely pissed at the fact that I couldn't get a good nights sleep,I looked outside and it was dark,probably 5 or 4am because it was in fact dawn but still....dark.

I grabbed my robe that was laying on the edge of the bed and slipped into my slippers,
I was wearing the usual sleep set of shorts and long sleeved pajamas but for some reason the room was extra warm tonight,so I didn't wear the usual long sleeved top but a tank top instead,hence why I'm wearing a robe right now.

I walked put of the room closing the door after me,I made my way downstairs to the kitchen because a glass of water could help me right now,the water in my room finished so I couldn't pour myself a glass there,

The house was really dark,the only light came from table lamps on the tables placed next to the couches,the fireplace was still on so that doubled the light,

I had finally made it to the dimly lit kitchen,I turned the lights on and walked to the counters to try and find a cup,I searched the black wooden counters and finally found a glass,i put it on the marble countertops with a little extra force making a loud noise,
"Shit" I cussed under my breath,

I walked to the sink and filled up the glass,
I remember Maria teaching me that the thinner faucet next to the bigger one is filtered water for drinking,so I filled it up and drank it all,now that I'm refreshed again and out of the discomfort from having a dried mouth I refilled the glass and turned the kitchen lights off and carefully held my water so it doesn't spill,just in case i get thirsty again I already have water with me,

I was still super sleepy and tired because yesterday everyone kept talking and stayed up until late night,around 1 and 2am.
But Master finally got tired and i was already sleeping on Kiel's shoulder so he carried me bridal style to the bedroom but i woke up half way through and argued about who could take the bed,

I didn't see Ivan around when i was falling asleep so he must've gave up to sleep,or work maybe,I remember Nancy telling me about how Ivan wakes up at the crack of dawn for some reason.

He could be awake right now but i would rather go to sleep instead of seeing him,so i just peacefully made my way to the bedroom,
I was halfway through my journey to the room when I suddenly felt a displeasing presence around me,i felt like i was being watched
Or stared at,

I got goosebumps and the room suddenly went cold,what was happening? I felt a heavy presence behind me i knew someone was behind me but who the hell or what the hell was it,

I decided to turn around but I hesitate,still hesitant I turned around and almost dropped my water,Sara?
There she was,in the same dress from that day the same appearance from the day she was murdered,

"Why did you let me die? Why did you let him kill me? Why did you kill me Irene?"she cried,she was missing both of her eyes..she cried from two empty holes tears of blood,a dress that was ripped and bloody

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