Bonus Chapter: Transparent white

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Just as I arrived home after a day out shopping for a few art supplies,Maria and all the other maids were getting ready to leave since it was 6pm which is the time everyone should leave the house,excluding security guards of course,but that wasn't an issue since Ivan just wanted to have his privacy and alone time at night when it's quiet,and of course a time for me to be able to walk around the house naked if I wanted to.

"Maria you're going already?" I put down my supplies and talked to Maria who was making sure all the maids were with her and no one was left out,
"Yes dear,we have a lot of work to do at home it's harder since we have a little boy there now you know" she pat my shoulders and explained with a smile,
"Oh man I forgot about Sammy" I chuckled,
"Do you know what Ivan is up to though? He has been busy all day.." i asked before she could leave,

"Well you know him,he's in the garden with his herbs and plant friends god knows what type of exotic fruits he's been trying to grow lately,but you can go check while you're at it,he was there all day." She answered with a smile before finally waving goodbye as she left through the door,

Now i was completely alone with Ivan in the house,he stopped working in the evenings and night so that would explain his free time to practice his hobbies,i took off my signature stilettos and started to walk to the garden barefoot while putting my bags on the couch in the living room.

The cool summer breeze only made it even more beautiful to walk barefoot on the cold grass that has been recently watered,
It was a bad habit but i loved being barefoot on the grass,so when I didn't find Ivan in the garden I decided to walk down to an area I haven't been to since it seemed pretty abandoned and served no purpose.

Just as i went there i could feel someone creeping behind me as I turned around i knew it was Ivan so I wasn't even slightly scared,
"Ivan?" I asked turning around to face him,
"You arrived just in time Madam." He walked out of the darkness and towards me with his hands in his pocket,
"Why? am I going to get a surprise?" I joked
"Yes actually," he held his hand up for me to take and i took it immediately without hesitation,
"I have something to show you" he guided us closer to the abandoned part until i could see neon colors of purple and blue and the types of LED colors that really set the mood,
Turns out that abandoned part was just a pool that Ivan empties out in the winter.

"We have a pool?!" I gasped in surprise,
"Yes" He chuckled, "it was too cold to tell you about in the winter but now that it's summer,i guess we should go for a swim?"
"A swim? Right now? I don't reckon i have a swimsuit though" I replied with a frown,
"Who said anything about clothes?" He let go of my hand and started to unbutton his shirt,
"I-Ivan you don't want me to get naked out here are you?" I said feeling the heat rush up to my cheeks,
"You're acting like I don't see you naked almost every night" He grasped his hips firmly with his hands while his shirt was completely buttoned down.

"No i meant that someone might see..." I sighed,
"No one can see us. the villas here are barely close to us plus the security guards guard outside the house not within it,and even if they dared to look...I'll have them blind" he replied taking a step closer to me,
"Let's have fun come on.." he pulled the string the was holding the front of my sundress together untying the knot and having the dress become looser,the dress's length was down to my knees and white,so everything would be transparent if it got wet.

"I don't want to swim...I don't know if I'm comfortable swimming naked.." I replied even though i really really wanted to swim but for some reason didn't feel comfortable,i needed a push from Ivan,
"Okay it in your underwear.." he tried pulling up the dress,
"I-I don't want to ruin my lingerie.." i immediately stopped him.

"Okay then...guess ill do it alone" he didn't protest and started to undress completely leaving only his boxer shorts on.
he approached me again grabbing my waist and pulling me closer, "Last chance Irene.." he whispered softly into my ear, "Or?" I whispered back
"You know that your lingerie will be ruined ether way so why be so tough on yourself?" He whispered again only this time leaving a kiss on my jawline,

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