Chapter Twentiy Nine: can't hide it forever

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Ivan didn't eat,he kept staring at me while i ate,which wasn't usual,it took me a second to notice him actually,

I looked at him with my mouth full and my cheeks literally like a bear's cheek filled with food,puffy. I covered my mouth with my hand and opened my mouth to talk,

"You know its rude to stare," i said barely making sense because of my full mouth,
"I can't help it,you look so adorable" he chuckled,
"I'm glad you are starting to eat more"

I swallowed my food and stared back at him,
"I'm doing it for the b-" I stopped talking and saved myself again,I'm such a dumbass i really just need to open my eyes and shut my mouth when it comes to hiding a secret,

"Hm?" He hummed confused,
"I'm doing it so I don't get injections again" i made up an excuse hoping he'd fall for it,
"You are like a child" he laughed,and finally started to eat.

A while ago He had finished talking to Nancy,it was surprisingly calm and not messy,
except that she ignored my existence and ran outside the house taking one of Ivan's cars and driving off,its been like what? an hour now? Who cares.

I wondered what he told her that she ran off,
I tried to ask him but he said that I shouldn't think much of it,and I didn't ask him again because well,he will get mad.

Speaking of the devil,just as i went back to continue eating there she comes,

"I'm back,bet you thought I wasn't going to," Nancy walked in,and i must confess,I couldn't recognize her at first,she had cut her long blonde hair to a long bob just a little above her shoulders,

She dyed it back to brown and wiped off all her makeup,she changed from her formal skirt and blouse to some shorts a white tank top and a black leather jacket and high heel ankle boots,What was wrong with her?

"No one is going to welcome me?" She sat down and leaned on the soft chair curling a strain of her newly done hair,
"Whats with your fashion? You look like a teenager going through a phase." Ivan gave her a glare and continued to eat,

"Really? Mr.Young Master?" She mocked,
"What's with those formal clothes? Those titles,
Young Lady,Young Master,"

"You know that the late boss chose this lifestyle,not my problem really,if you don't like it I suggest you shove it down your throat and and shut the fuck up" Ivan answered,

"Boss? You mean the one who like,burnt to ashes when his warehouse caught on fire? The one who made this stupid mafia?" She chuckled softly, "What a failure"

"Talking about a dead person won't grant you anything" i started,she turned to me and gave me a little smirk,
"It will when it's you,who will be dead and talked about." She shrugged,
Ivan banged his fist on the glass table,

"This topic is ending right now." He ordered,
"What the hell do you mean?" I looked at her in confusion,
"You will find out tonight." She added fiddling with her glass of water,

"Nancy,keep your unnecessary conversations to yourself," Ivan warned,
"Don't let me repeat myself you heard enough this morning."

She suddenly shut up and lowered her head,
What did he say? What does he have against her?,Nancy is hard to tame,so whatever he has against her it's something thats good and bad enough for her to shut up,I'm suspicious but at the same time I don't want to get my hands dirty.

"Not fair!" She looked up with teary eyes,
She looked like a teenager who was arguing with her parents,
"You can't use my weakness against me!"

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