Chapter Three: Its all for you

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I woke up in the same darkroom I was left in,
With my vision slightly blurry I rubbed my eyes with my palms, and opened them, blinking continuously and trying to make sense of the situation I was in,
The room was filled with the cold breeze of a November night, or is it?
I tried to remember the date and day before I was brought here so desperately but couldn't.

A sudden wave of wind blew through the barricaded window, no matter how much it was made to block the wind, it was ineffective because of the cracks and missing pieces that were spread across the window glass,
While the wind made its way through the broken window and the tight space between the wooden planks,
I couldn't help but shiver from the wind filling the room, making it cold and chill,
Although a small thin blanket was covering me it didn't do much difference in warming me up,
My right hand was still cuffed to the bed headboard, no matter how much I shake and pull my hand up and down nothing happened other than damage to my wrist,

Just as another series of wind blew I collected as much of the blanket as possible to cover all of my body,
I stood up to sit then lay down, pulling my knees to my chest and shivering from the cold,
I was wearing a dress that day,  I enjoyed wearing dresses and skirts, but Terrible idea.
I didn't know I was going to regret wearing a dress,  I knew it was going to be sunny that day, but I didn't know that I'd be trapped in a dark room in the cold.

My jacket was gone and so were my shoes, my scarf, and all my accessories, no earrings no necklaces, no nothing.
I started looking around the darkroom, squinting my eyes just enough to see through the dark, Looking everywhere trying to see anything familiar, I didn't see anything but a lonely metal chair sitting close to the end of the bed, but at least the body wasn't there which was a relief,

My stomach started growling, and my lips and throat were dry. I started wondering when was the last time I ate, I don't know the time, the day, the date, or where I am,
I felt my heart sink when the doorknob started shaking again,
I immediately slipped back to my position and pretended to be asleep,

I fixed myself just in time before the door opened, Now I'm fully dependent on my hearing, The wooden floor made it easier to tell when and where he might be moving because it always creaked, I can't tell where he is exactly but I can tell that he didn't stop moving,
As if he was searching for something,  I felt him come closer to the bed,

Curious, I slightly opened my eyes to see what he was up to, he held a small candle, not too small but big enough to light his way,
He lifted the bedsheet and bent down looking under the bed, I wondered why he was using a candle instead of just turning the lights on, maybe in hopes of not waking me up? Or is it just because the electricity died...?
he stood up causing me to immediately shut my eyes again, I could hear his foot trail heading right to the corner of the room,

After hearing something be placed I assumed it was the candle in his hands so I opened my eyes again,
I saw him pull up a bag, my bag.
He opened it and slowly took out papers, makeup, perfume, books, and more stuff a girl usually keeps in her bag,
He took out a blue file which was all my college research, notes, and assignments, and started flipping through everything,
It annoyed me why he'd do such a thing, but it didn't take him long to finally realize its just my notes.

What was odd is how he took out his phone and opened it taking out one SIM card and then inserting another one.
I quickly realized that this could be my SIM card, with my number.
Once he inserted the SIM card loads of texts and messages came through, if it was my SIM card he could probably see all of my contacts and how each was contacting me,

I saw him go through the phone for a good 5 minutes before pausing and taking a screenshot,
The sound of the screenshot startled me, but then I was sure it was mine when he played a voice mail,
"Hello, irene? It's me. why are you ignoring me? Are you fucking stupid? Do you think that you could live without me? You are nothing without me NOTHING. So stop being stupid and come back. we can talk this out. Don't let me call again or else I'm coming to your house. I know that you could see these texts so think better and call me don't make me wait"

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