Chapter Six: New identity

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"Ok then I'm coming in" he swung the door open without even waiting for my permission,
"Ahh look at how steamy this place is" he looked around then went to the little window and opened it,
Letting the November sun after rain scent fill the room, I missed that smell a lot I loved it so much and I missed it,

"How beautiful" he caressed my cheeks, I didn't do anything I just stood there holding on to the towel wrapped around my body,
He let go of me and locked the bathroom door, then he unbuttoned his shirt,
"Wha-what are you doing," I asked as I tightened the grip on my towel,

"Washing up," as he spoke I let out a sigh of relief, his damn actions are always unpredictable just when I thought I knew his intentions I didn't, just when I thought I could predict, I was wrong.

"Wait, at least let me get out first" I reached for the doorknob,
"No stay here, I'm not showering I'm just washing the blood away" he ordered,
"But-" I spoke just to be interrupted again,
"Just stay here" he demanded,

I didn't reply with anything, I just let the toilet seat down and sat on it, I covered my eyes because I wasn't interested in his body,
I heard the water run so he's probably in the shower now, I opened my eyes to take a peek,
As he washed his chest a foundation-like liquid came off revealing a series of tattoos on his arms and chest,

I never noticed them, he told me that he worked in a hospital so having tattoos would probably be prohibited,
"Surprised by my tattoos?" He asked,
"Wha-no  mean I wasn't staring or anything-"

I was embarrassed why was I staring at his body? He probably noticed,  I heard him chuckling in the shower but I was just embarrassed,

He came out of the shower and grabbed a towel from the drawer and a little box,
He wrapped the towel around his hips and opened the little box, it had piercings in it
He slowly started wearing earrings in different parts of his ears,

"Huh" I mumbled surprised to see all those piercings and tattoos,
"What?" He asked,
"No-nothing" I looked down, I wasn't planning on starting a discussion, surely not with him.
"Maria will get you your clothes, wear them then she'll bring you downstairs," he explained
"Leave all your clothes here she'll pick them up"

"Maria?" I Questioned
"Our maid" he answered
"Oh" I was confused, He has a maid?
He soon left the bathroom with only the towel, not long after someone knocks on the door,
"Uh come in?" I answered
"Good morning madam I'm maria," a middle-aged woman in her 40s/50s came in with some clothes folded neatly, madam? Why would she call me that?

"Oh, thank you, Maria, do you know what the time is?" I asked brushing away all the other questions in my head,
"It's almost 10 am" she answered, with no hesitation.
"What the date and day," I asked again,
"It's Wednesday, November 26th" she answered again,

"Oh thank you," I said as she handed me the clothes,
"I'm available here Sunday to Thursday, 9 am to 9 pm." She informed me,
"Oh, you don't stay here?" I Questioned her again I must've gotten annoying with the questions,
"No, same with the chef and most of the staff here, Mr.lewis doesn't cook so he got a chef" she answered with a smile,
"Then, put on your clothes and join us downstairs" she handed me the clothes and I took them from her with a faint sad smile,
I put on my clothes, a warm black turtleneck, and gray loose home pants, with a pair of socks,

The clothes were so warm and nice but I kept sneezing I'm afraid I'd caught a cold, I opened the bathroom door and was surprised to see a long neat hallway,

The hallway was painted dark grey with a wooden floor, I was surprised the place I was at and the tub and the whole atmosphere there felt and looked like a warehouse,

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