Chapter Eighteen: broken trust

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"Come out" he cried,
I reached to the lock and opened the door,
He was sitting in the doorway with his hands over his face,

He raised his head up to see me,he wiped his tears and crawled inside closing the door after him,he jumped in my arms and held tight like a baby,

"Why are you crying I thought you were a strong guy" i hit his shoulder
"I don't know" he sniffed,
He raised his head and pressed his lips on to mine,I pushed him away

"What are you doing what if they wonder why we are not around?" I explained,
"I don't care" he removed my hands that were blocking his way,

He picked me up and threw me on the bed,
"It's not a good timing Ivan-" I argued,
"Are you hurting? It was your first time after all" he asked as he loosened the buttons on his shirt,

"I'm fine," I answered,
"Well then" he undid all the buttons on his shirt and attacked me with kisses,
"This is a punishment" he broke the kiss,
"For what?" I asked confused,

"For running away" he kissed me again,
He pushed me on the bed and got on top of me continuing to kiss me deeper and deeper,
He unbuttoned the few buttons on my blouse,
Again my black bra was exposed to him.

I took advantage of the pause and reversed our positions in which i got on top of him,
"Woah" he smirked,
I wanted to be dominant for once,I wanted to be powerful for once,

I leaned in to kiss him,he pulled me closer and tried to shift the positions but i stopped him,
"Get rid of that blouse" he was clearly under me but he ordered as if he had all the power,
I didn't respond,instead I teased him with lowering the blouse sleeve a little over my shoulder,

"You're such a tease" he sighed in frustration then sat up using his hands for support,
I slid down to his lap,
His nose brushed against mine,i put my hands on his chest and tried pushing him but he wouldn't fall,

He grabbed one of my hands with his own and distracted me bringing my blouse down,
He threw it on the end of the bed,
"How do we always end up like this?" I giggled,
"Maybe it's because I cannot control myself when you are wearing a skirt this short," he answered getting rid of his own shirt referencing what i said last night,

"No!" I yelled when I felt his hand reaching up to my bra clip trying to undo it,
Right when he opened his mouth to protest faint knocking came from the door,

"Hana? Are you there?" I heard Nancy talk from the other side of the door,my heart sank,Ivan looked at me and arched his eyebrows,
"I need to talk to you about-" before she could finish i yelled out,
"Nancy Im a little busy right now!" Hoping that she could get the hint,

"Oh okay" she replied letting me take a deep breath relieved,
"Let's get back to what we were doing" I tried distracting him,I leaned in to kiss him but he avoided my lips by turning away,

"I-Ivan?" I caressed his cheeks trying to get him to look at me but instead he grabbed my waist and threw me to the side,
He ran to the door half naked and opened it quickly,

"You are not going anywhere" he grabbed Nancy's arm and forced her into the room,
She met my eyes then her gaze lowered down to my chest,my exposed hickeys and bruises,

"Just what are you two up to" he locked the door,
"Nothing Ivan please don't think like that"
I tried to calm him down,

"I told you more then once not to talk to Nancy just what part of that did you not understand?" He grew angrier,
"Ivan calm down,i can explain" she sighed,
"You better" he folded his arms and waited for an explanation,

"Today i was rude to her, and I simply wanted to apologize" she lied,
"I'm not buying that" he yelled,

"You are jealous" he grinned
"I'm not jealous of anyone,what the hell are you saying?!" Nancy yelled
"You hate it when she's with me" he smirked,
"What are you talking about" i got up,
"So this is what it is Nancy, you like-" he didn't finish when Nancy stood up and tried to walk out but he blocked her,

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