Chapter Thirty One: A Nicer Master

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"Do you think this would be a good room for her?" He said looking around the big guest room,
"Ivan this room is too big" i said leaning on the door frame, "and you know she could be a he"

"I want it to be a her" he shrugged,he really wants a daughter,
"And why is that?" I giggled tiredly,
"Daughters are less problematic" he answered,
"I don't want a boy because boys look up to their dad and I don't want my son to look up to me"

"That's not true,it all depends on the parents you know," i said walking closer to him and hugging him from the back,
"You'd be a good dad"

"Because I want her to be like you,a beautiful little Irene,loving and sweet,caring,someone who can make anyone melt into her aura,"
He explained with a smile,I giggled and blushed at the way he explained it,
"You are seven weeks now,and i keep going on trips and leaving you alone,I'm afraid"

It's been a few days since the test,
Ivan does keep taking trips,and i hated it but there was nothing i can do,
Ivan has grown so close with this baby and it haven't even been born yet,
He truly is waiting impatiently to meet his child and I'm happy he is.

He seemed to be happier and more cheerful than usual,this child has brought more light into his life,and I cannot imagine what could happen if something would happen...

"I prepared something for us," he said holding my hand and turning my direction,
"And it is?" I added,
"A date" he announced,and i was a little taken back until I realized that we were never really official,or been on a date.
"Are you- Seriously?!" I jumped in excitement,
"Yes seriously" He chuckled,

"Tomorrow," he smirked,
"I'll take you out for dinner and we'll stay at the hotel for the night"
"Oh wow...nice" I smiled and put my arms around his neck,tomorrow was 27th of January,his birthday.
He didn't tell me that it is,but i get that he's trying to celebrate it without making it seem too obvious,he wanted to keep it low-key.

"Why are we staying the night though?" I added,I'm not dumb I obviously know why,but i liked to tease,it should be known by now,
"Because mom and dad need their alone time right?" He whispered in my ear,
"But this little guy is still coming with us" I whispered back,

"What a turn off you did there" he sighed,
"I'm just being real" I shrugged,
"God just help me out here!" he whined desperate to get me to join in on his little dramas,okay then Ivan you asked for it,

"Master" I grabbed his shirt's collar and pulled him closer,his eyes widened and I caught him a little off guard,he was surprised,but in a good way, "we will be all alone,in a hotel room at night..."

"W-Why so suddenly" he stuttered,
I pushed him on the guest bed and climbed on top of him resting my thighs on his crotch,
He groaned in pleasure as i let all of my weight rest on him,

I unbuttoned the first few buttons on his shirt and kissed his bare neck this time leaving my marks,i could feel his raising tension,he was already aroused,I continued this way until I reached a spot were he flinched a little,
I stopped and pulled away,

"Oh Doctor?" I smirked looking at the mess he was, "did i find your sweet spot?"
"W-What no" he said denying the fact,even though he was aware that he was wrong,
I looked over at the bed frame,the header wasn't flat like the one in his bedroom so i got an idea,

I pulled him up and managed slid us to the spot I desired,close to the bed header,
I moved away and unbuckled his belt,he looked surprised already, "You want to do it right here?" He smirked biting his bottom lip,
I smirked not saying anything,i got his belt but I didn't throw it away,i kept it on the bed next to me,

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