Chapter Ten:each victim has a story

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"I thought i was clear when i told you to be here at 6pm sharp,its 6:13" she almost yelled but kept her voice down,

"I'm sorry professor but as i was coming here i-" she cut me off
"I don't want to hear your excuses!" She slammed her hand on her desk,

"Can you learn not to be late? You never arrive on time!" She fixed her glasses back,
"I'm really sorry professor i-" i tried explaining the reason i was late but she kept stopping me,

"What could be so imp-" she stopped and her expression changed when she noticed someone coming in,

It was the man from earlier he came back,
"I'm sorry to interrupt you but you dropped this," he handed me my small pocket journal,
"Thank you" I nodded my head and took the journal,

"Mrs.Doyle .Don't be mad at her i was the one who stopped her" as he spoke i kept my head low,i was holding myself from snapping at her,but she was my professor and she was older then me it would be disrespectful,

"Mr.lewis i get that you are trying to defend her but-" she didn't finish and he cut her again,she rubbed her hands together which meant that she was nervous as well,who could he be?

"I told you that i ran into her do you not understand?" He sounded pretty angry at her,
"I think you should control your dramatic personality because she's only a few minutes late. Your life doesn't depend on her arrival"
He snapped,

I secretly smirked feeling satisfied with his response,i lifted my head to see her mouth hanging open, i think someone was finally fed up with her bullshit,

"I'm-I'm sorry mr.lewis" she nodded
"I'll make sure to change that about myself"
She seemed embarrassed and angry at the same time.

"Now excuse us. Whatever task you had for her i want it to be delayed. If i hear that you hurt her or got her in any trouble in any way I'll make sure to step in" he grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the room,she stood still and only nodded. letting me leave,

It was weird to hear him say that,I didn't know why he'd care about me getting hurt or in trouble but I don't care I'm away from her,
And that's all that matters

"Thank you for getting me out of that" i finally took a deep breath and broke away from his grip,
"No problem,I never liked her ether"
He laughed,
"Are you new here?" i asked him while I reached for my phone in my bag,

"Oh no I'm not a student" he smiled answering my question,
"Although i have a question..does that professor annoy you too much?" He asked in a weird way but maybe she does with him and he's just trying to be relatable,

"Oh yeah. Too much, she annoys me too much she always gives me all the tasks and never lets me rest" I answered
"Really? Would you wish she was away? I mean if she'd leave another college?" He smirked,he will transfer her to another college? Hell yeah!
"Oh yes i would freaking love to,atleast i would rest" I joked,

"Oh-" my phone buzzed delivering a new notification to my phone,
It was Alice asking when I'll be out,she usually picks me up from school when she takes the car,
"Oh,it was nice seeing you today but my sister arrived and i need to go,thank you for today" I smiled and excused myself
"Oh....yeah sure goodbye" his tune turned sad and his goodbye wave was short and lazy,

I ran to the car seeing Alice sitting in the drivers seat and waving at me with a huge smile on her face,
I opened the car door and threw myself on the passenger seat,I let out a big sigh,

"How was your day" she laughed knowing that something probably went wrong,
"Oh man you have to sit for this one" I replied stroking my temples,
"I'm already sitting" she laughed

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