Chapter Thirty Two Pt.1: Ill Know It

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"He loved her." Maria said while continuing to chop the vegetables,i sat in front of her in the kitchen as she continued the story, "William loved Everly with every bit of his soul"

"He loved Ivan even more,he wanted to be the one who raises him" she paused putting down the knife, "But Edward...he killed his father and framed William"

"Ivan could've had the father and family he deserved,but he couldn't and it's all Edward's fault,"

"I can't tell you more than this" she wiped the tears in her eyes and continued to chop the vegetables,
"But why am i not aware of this? Why do i know this now?.." I started,
"I don't like how Ivan is digging everything from my past yet I didn't even know his birthdate"

"You can ask Ivan,there is more to this story but I cannot tell you,unless Ivan does,I'm sorry dear," she replied looking really sad for not telling me the rest,I'll make Ivan explain and I'm getting my answers but for now I'm going to keep trying to get Maria to talk,
"Maria,please" i looked at her with sad eyes hoping she'd tell me,

"If i tell you the rest,I'm afraid you wouldn't be able to understand" she explained,
"This is family matter that you won't be able to understand"

"So am i not family? I'm literally pregnant with your grandchild!" I calmly slammed my fist on the table not too aggressively but enough to signal that I'm mad,
"I didn't mean this I meant that...explaining it is hard.." she quickly explained to clear the misunderstanding,
"Whatever Maria I'm getting what i need from Ivan"

I sighed and got up stomping out of the kitchen and continuing to walk to his office until I heard the piano play,it must be Ivan...

I switched directions and head to the piano room to meet him,I opened the door and walked in about to call Ivan until I realized it wasn't him,it was William,playing the same melody Ivan always plays,

"Oh hello there Irene" William paused,
He was dressed differently,his clothes weren't just some jeans and a t-shirt that were too ripped and muddy from running away from the police,he was dressed in a clean grey-ish shirt with a black vest over it,he wore black pants and groomed his beard and hair,he looked like an actual Mafia boss,and bot just a burglar,

"You paused? I do look different don't I?" He chuckled, "come in dear"
"Oh sorry for interrupting,I thought you were Ivan" I apologized and walked in the piano room,

"Oh it's okay! So How do i look? Do i look like i just escaped from prison?" He joked,
"You look like a Mafia boss" i joked back,
"That's the look I'm going for" he laughed and got up from the piano seat and walked to the sofa, "take a seat darling" he pointed at the sofa in front of his,i nodded approaching it.

"So tell me how you captured Ivan's stone cold heart" he smiled getting comfortable on the couch, "oh.." i let out an awkward laugh,
"It's complicated but i guess he could tell you"

"Why? Was it a bad meeting?" He asked,
"I can't quite explain it but..sort of" I answered with a shrug,
"Oh then lets not make it uncomfortable for you,but you know,Ivan is a quite ladies man he has a different girlfriend every month because he simply never rejects anyone,but seems like this time you didn't go to him,but he came to you" he laughed,It was easy to tell that William was a goofy person,he is naturally always in a good mood and squeezes in a joke or two when he can

"I'm flattered" I chuckled joking back,
"He mentioned that you are pregnant,have you not been thinking about marriage? Usually ladies do after getting pregnant and not married" He asked again,

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