Christmas Special: Late First Snow

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This isn't an official Chapter of the book,

I hope everyone is enjoying the holidays and this short chapter,Merry Christmas everyone!


i woke up early in the morning around 7am,I didn't dress up instead i took a shower and dressed back into my comfy pj's.

Ivan was no where to be found,merely because i never walked downstairs,he wasn't upstairs which meant that he could be downstairs somewhere,

So my next quest was to find him,I walked through the depressing hallway to the staircase,the living room was bright the fireplace was burning and warm,I could hear the piano from far away,

He undoubtedly was in the piano room,
I hurried to reach the room and to see him first thing on Christmas,as I walked in i saw him playing a song that fit well with the occasion.

He was playing Carol of bells,a piano cover i see,he was already half way through and passionately playing,he must've just woken up because his hair was still messy and he wasn't dressed up yet,from what i know carol of bells is a somewhat aggressive song but he had his charm,he played it so softly,

He noticed me walking in,he didn't stop playing instead he gave me an adorable smile and kept playing,I walked to the piano seat and sat next to him facing the opposite side,

I rested my chin on his shoulder and watched him play,he continued playing until the melody had finally come to an end.

He turned around and wrapped his arms around me, "Merry Christmas beautiful" he kissed my forehead,
"Merry Christmas" I repeated,
"I thought we weren't religious" i joked,

"My mother used to play Christmas songs every Christmas morning,i still remember every single Christmas I spent with her" he smiled recalling their memories,
"Let's keep her little tradition going then" I suggested,

"I was waiting for you to wake up i have a little present for you" he excitedly smiled,he was happy he kept smiling,
"Really? I feel bad because I don't have anything" I frowned,

"Its okay,your presence is enough" he cuddled me gently, "but...can you play me something?"
I spoke quickly before he was about to let go and leave,

"Sure if i know it,I'll play" he nodded accepting my little favor,
"Can you play Silent the Night?" I asked hoping that he knows how to play it,

"You're lucky i know how it goes" he chuckled and let go of me to play,again he got himself into his little bubble again and started playing my favorite Christmas melody,

Every Christmas Alice would put this melody on as we exchange presents and gifts,
Since she couldn't play and we couldn't afford a piano ether,she would just play that one Christmas CD that had a whole bunch of Christmas songs,I remember impatiently skipping through the songs to listen to this one melody,

I closed my eyes and remembered the memories and years i spent with Alice,
I laid my head on his shoulder and listened carefully to his beautiful professional piano skills.


"Just don't peek" he guided me through the hallway to the living room,i was blindfolded I couldn't see anything and i was scared I'd trip over something but thankfully he was holding my hand,

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