Entry 2

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Morning, Kent.

Sorry our meeting was cut short yesterday. Imagine if the boys caught me writing in my diary. I'd be absolutely done for.

Anyway, today was alright.

I met up with my friend Crystal. Crystal's the only one who knows I'm gay. She doesn't know that I love Ashton, though. I should tell her, and I will.

This is the part where today got shit real fast.

I got home, all in this bubbly mood and stuff, and I open the door and see Ashton with a girl.

Calum told me that Ashton made a new friend, and her name was Bryana. Calum also told me that they were just friends. Calum thinks that they'll be more than friends. I think that she needs to leave.

I wish she was a bitch. That would give me a reason to hate her. But no, she's the nicest person that I've ever met. If she wasn't a potential threat then, I wouldn't mind her. In fact, I think that she would fit nicely into mine and Crystal's friendship. But no.

Ashton made me sit with them. It's like I wasn't even there, they just ignored me and flirted alot. By flirted I mean laughed.

Then Ashton left the room, and it was just Bryana and I. As soon as he left, she tried to fight me.

No she didn't. She was being nice, as usual.

Then she left, and she hugged him. Then she hugged me. She said it was nice meeting me. It wasn't nice meeting her.

Yes it was. She's delightful.

Calum made a joke about Ashton getting some. Ashton then said that-


Ashton shut the door after Bryana had left. I don't get why he needed a new friend. Aren't us three enough? Aren't I enough?

"Get some, Ashton!" Calum shouted as he entered the living room.

Ashton laughed nervously and looked at the floor.

"I wish," he mumbled.

"You wish?" I shouted.

"What? No, I-"

"I knew you wanted some of that!" Calum shouted.


"Do you like her?" I asked.

"No, I- yeah. Yeah, I do," he muttered, "alot,"



"Nothing, it's just... well, I just didn't expect it,"

"You don't like her, do you?" Ashton asked.

The minute he suspected that I liked Bryana, it's like he disowned me as a friend. Which sucked, might I add. It's basically just him saying that he would drop me in a heartbeat as long as vagina is involved. Asshole.

"No, no. She's all yours," I chuckled.

No she's not. You're mine. To hell with her.

"Okay good," he sighed, releasing as deep breath, "I thought I had some competition for a minute there,"

I laughed lightly. You may not have competition, but she sure does.


Can you fucking believe it?

He likes her. He fucking likes her.

He's cheating on me. What an asshole. I'm done with that boy. Leaving him. Adios, Ashton. Fuck you.

Anyway, after a shit day I'll be going to sleep. Night, Kent.

P.S I love you Ashton

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