Entry 48

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Hi, Kent.

So, funny thing happened. I woke up this morning, and checked social media as I usually do, and there's this fan that I follow and she tweeted about some article by the Daily Fail about me, so I clicked on the article.

And it had attached a picture (and a gif) of me not holding the door for Laila yesterday once we left Capitol, and a series of pictures of Laila barging her shoulder into me and my reaction to it.

Nonetheless, it was funny.

And the person who wrote the article put "After having come clean about his fake relationship with supermodel Laila Rain, Michael Clifford and her had been seen exiting the Capitol Records building, most certainly after having a chat with their manager about the situation, and paparazzi had caught pictures and short videos of Clifford and Rain's newly obvious disliking to one another,"

I hadn't even seen the paps when I left, so sadly they're getting more discreet. That means they might be able to secretly get pictures of me snogging Ashton :((

Speaking of Ashton, I visited Crystal today.

I realise that so far, that has nothing to do with Ash, but it will eventually, just hold on.

So, I went over to Crystal's place for a gossip session (and just to hang out with my favourite girl) and I briefly met her boyfriend, Richard. Sure, I was there when we first met him at the club but we were both shitface drunk so it doesn't count.

Anyway, Richard seems like a quality guy. Good for her. But I'm not here to talk about him.

While Crystal and I were choking ourselves on pizza, Crystal let me in on some insightful knowledge-


"I still can't believe you just walked up to that guy and said it," I laughed as we recollected previous memories.

"You told me to!" She shouted, also laughing.

We had a short laughing fit, before we calmed down.

"Hey, so I went out with Bryana the other day," Crystal mentioned.

"Oh, yeah?" I asked.

I wasn't surprised, considering Bryana and Crystal were pretty close friends since they first met at our house all that time ago.

"She was telling me about how she missed Ashton," 

"What?" I choked, "she broke up with him!"

"I know, that's what I said! But she said she regrets it,"

"Well she can't have him back,"

"I said that as well," she said, "but she insists that he'll take her back. She said she was gonna stop by and talk to him,"

"We can't let her!"

"I don't know, I don't think we should intervene. It's their lives," she shrugged.

"Crystal, I'm not just saying this because I love him, I'm saying this because he'll be crushed, seeing her after all this time. I told you how broken he was,"

"Okay," she sighed, "okay. But I don't know when she's gonna stop by. She could be there now, for all we know,"

"Shit. I'm gonna call Calum,"

"What for?"

"To tell him to keep a lookout while I'm gone," I explained, getting my phone out.

I dialled Calum's number and put it on speakerphone, holding it out in front of me and Crystal while we continued to focus on the number one priority- pizza.

"Hey, Mikey," he answered

"Hey, Cal," I greeted, "listen, I need you to do me a favour,"

"A favour? What kind?" He asked suggestively.

"What does he mean?" Crystal asked.

"I'm with Crystal, by the way," I added, trying to get the point of not flirting across.

"Oh," he plainly said, "oh. Well, what's up, guys?"

"I need you to lookout for Bryana, and don't let Ashton answer the door. And if he gets a text or a call, try and see who it's from," I requested.

"Bryana? What?" Calum questioned, "where's this coming from?"

"Crystal told me that Bryana said she wants to get back together with him," I explained.

"Look, man, I know you love him and everything but this is between Ash and Bryana. We shouldn't really get involved," Calum stated.

"No, Calum, I'm not saying this for me. If Ashton sees her, he'll be crushed. You saw how broken he was when she left him,"

"I guess," he muttered, "okay, I'll keep an eye out for anything,"

"Thanks, man, I owe you one,"

"Yeah, you do," he flirted.


I hung up the phone, casually placing it beside me. I looked back towards Crystal to say something to her, but she was grinning at me suspiciously.

"So," she started, sipping on her cocktail, "what's going on with you and Calum?"



Anyway fucking Bryana, trying to crawl back into our lives.

I mean, she was lovely, yeah, but she can't dump a guy because she thinks he's gay and then deciding, 'you know what? I bet he isn't,' and just come back.

I guess that no matter where she goes, she's always gonna want him back.

No matter how long he's gone, she's always gonna want him back.

*bdshsdsdbs* i kNOW, YOU KNOW-

but no yeah. Thanks Crystal for the pre-warning. I swear I would die if it weren't for Crystal. Love her to pieces. Yes sis, I'm talking to you xox

So, I stayed round Crystal's because I was a bit tipsey from the cocktails and Calum is on Bryana watch. So I'm actually writing this entry the next morning again. Whoops.

Anyway, see you again tonight Kent.

P.S I love you Ashton.

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