Entry 19

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So, remember Alex? Yeah? Kind of an irrelevant character? Not so irrelevant anymore? He did a thing.

I was just minding my own business on my Twitter fan account, liking pictures and edits of Mashton  - as you do - when I saw people tweeting at my band account. They were linking this website to me, so I clicked the link.

And it took me to an article on me by The Sun.

What was the title of this website, I hear you ask? Oh, nothing serious. It was just


what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck

So I printed off the article. I'll just stick it in my diary. Hold on.

Okay, here it is:

Is heart-throb Michael Clifford now officially unavailable for all his obsessed lady fans?

We received word from a gentleman who perfers to be unnamed that Michael Clifford is actually gay. The individual states that he was getting cosy with the guitarist and singer of  the hit boyband, however that relationship has now been ended.

Our source states that he had broken up with Clifford because the band member had undying feelings for another man. And it gets even juicier, because the 'other man' was actually the drummer of the same boyband, Ashton Irwin.

"The date had been interrupted by some fans, and Michael had gotten annoyed with them and told them to f*** off. They left, and I told Michael that he was being too rude to his fans but he didn't care. We got into a little argument over it, until he said 'I don't even like you, I like Ashton, I'm just here because my friend begged me to,' then he got up and he left me with the bill. I haven't spoken to him since,"

Maybe Michael Clifford's fans won't be so crazy about him after this!

- Dan Wooton, 6th September 2018

Can you fucking believe it? That asshole told The Sun that:

- I like cock

- I like Ashton cock

- I'm a dick to my fans (false)

- 5sos is a boyband (extremely false wtf)

I didn't think he'd be such a massive dick.

Also, turns out that our management had seen this article too. Yeah. So we were all called down to the office to talk to our manager, Steve Barnett.

We were on our way there-


"Why have management even called us down? Have we done something wrong?" Calum asked us.

None of the other boys responded, so I figured that they hadn't seen the article yet. They're in for a surprise.

"We didn't do anything wrong. Alex did," I stated.

"Alex? What's he done?" Ashton asked.

"Told the Sun that I'm gay,"

"Shit, Mikey," Calum said.


"Are you gonna tell management the truth?" Luke asked.

"Pfft, no,"

"But you should. What if you get a boyfriend?" Calum asked, hinting over at Ashton.

"What does it matter? They're not gonna let me come out anyway," I sighed, "and I'm probably gonna get stuck with a beard,"

The boys sighed and sent me looks of comfort. Calum, who was next to me during the ride, put his arm around my shoulder and I put my head on his.

I wish this could be easier.


We arrived at the office. There were a couple hundred fans waiting outside, but we had quite a few bodyguards with us so it wasn't an issue and we got in the building fine.

We rode the lift to the top floor, where Mr Barnett was, and knocked on the door to his office.

He let us, and greeted us before we all took a seat.

"So, do you boys know why you're here?" He asked.

"I have a hunch," I mumbled.

"This article was released by The Sun this morning," he began.

He turned his computer screen around so we could see. The boys leaned forwards to read it, because they hadn't read it yet, and I just sat there because I didn't want to have to read it again.

"What's happened here? Now the fans think that you're gay, in love with Ashton and a dick to your fans. None of it's true, is it?" he pressured.

"Course not. Just someone who hates me trying to ruin my image, I guess," I shrugged.

"Good. Now, we're gonna need you to clear this up. Tweet something. Be kind to fans. Get a girlfriend,"

"Wait, what? A girlfriend? I don't want a girlfriend," I argued.

"Of course you do, Michael, you're a young man,"

"Well I don't,"

"What happened to that girl that Ashton brought up in that interview?" Steve quizzed.

"There was no girl. Ashton just thought I was dating this girl but I wasn't,"

"Well I'm sorry Mikey but this is how the industry works. We're gonna find you a lovely young model, and-"

"Wouldn't that just be suspicious? Me getting a girlfriend straight after gay rumours,"

He sighed and took off his glasses, rubbing the bridge of his nose in stress.

"Okay, Michael, you've gotta clear this up. If in a month, the fans still aren't convinced then we're gonna get you a model,"

"Fine," I sighed.

We shook hands before leaving again. In th car ride back, I was sat next to Ashton.

"Why did Alex tell the Sun that you're in love with me?" He asked, tapping my knee and leaving his hand there.

"Dunno, just trying to screw me over even more. I suppose being a gay celebrity isn't enough," I shrugged.

"A celebrity? Okay, steady on mate," he joked.


So I tweeted something which I'm praying will do the job:

@Michael5SOS: not everything you read is true. just think of this: anyone could have submitted that article to the sun. literally, anyone. anonymous submittions are usually a load of shit and here's an example of one.

I hope this clears up tomorrow. I'll be fucked if it doesn't (and not even by Ashton :( )

Night, Kent.

P.S I love you Ashton.

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