Entry 22

672 23 13

Heya, Kent.

So the guy I hooked up with last night, his name was James. I had to ask him this morning. Ouch. But that's fine, because he forgot my name too. We were drunk as balls.

He left the house, and I went into the kitchen for food. All of the boys were there already, and were creepily smirking at me.


I let James out of the house, before sweeping my fringe to the side and entering the kitchen.

"Morning, guys," I greeted, going to the fridge.

I opened the fridge door and pulled out some orange juice, and then set the carton aside while I got myself a glass. When I turned around, I saw all the the boys smirking at me like a group of creeps.

"...what?" I asked.

"Who's the guy?" Luke asked.

"What gu- oh, him. Yeah, that's James," I shrugged, pouring a glass of orange juice.

"Did you guys... y'know," Ashton questioned.

"Have sex? Of course we did, I'm not an amateur," I scoffed.

"Who topped?" Calum quizzed.

Ashton whacked his arm.

"I don't think that's appropriate to ask, Calum," he stated.

"Do I look like a top to you? He did, obviously," I said, ignoring Ashton.

"Yeah, can't say I'm surprised," Calum chuckled.


After breakfast, I went back into my room to play some video games by myself, but I realised I had a text from before.

So I checked it, and it was an unknown number. Creepy.

Anyway, it said:

Unknown: Hey, can we meetup for a coffee or something? I need to talk to you.

Me: sorry, who is this?

Unknown: Oh, it's Bryana. Sorry, I should've said that. Ash gave me your number.

Me: oh. why do you need to talk to me?

Bryana: I'll tell you over coffee. You in?

Me: sure

Bryana: Great, 20 minutes at Starbucks?

Me: alright

Bryana: Cool! See you there 😊

Me: yeah

That was weird??? I was being rude and only saying one word answers to wind her up, because that's the kind of person I am 💁‍♀️

So I met up with her at Starbucks. She was there before me, and she was sitting at a table that was out of view of the public in case people assumed she was cheating on Ashton with me (ew).


I approached her table and saw her sat with a classic Starbucks cup of whatever. She smiled up at me and put her phone onto the table while I sat opposite her.

"Hey, Michael," she smiled, "I would have gotten you a drink but I didn't know how long you would be and what you even wanted,"

"That's fine, I'll get one now,"

I got out of the seat and walked over to the counter and got my drink, using my code name 'Mikael' (I know super creative)

I sat back at the table and took a sip of my latte.

"So, what did you call me here for?" I asked.

"Well, I don't want to offend you or anything because you're gay, but I sometimes get the feeling that you have feelings for Ashton," she stated.

"What? Why?"

"Well, it's just little things. Like a couple nights ago, when I told Ashton I love him and he didn't say anything, I saw you laughing. And I don't know if I'm taking this the wrong way but the more I think about it, the more it makes sense,"

"W-well, I don't,"

"Why are you so nervous about it?"

"I-I'm not, I'm just cold,"

"But Mikey, it's a hot day today, and you're drinking a hot drink,"

"W-well, I am,"

"Mikey, it's okay if you are. Ashton's a good looking guy, and he's sweet. You can't control your feelings,"

She reached out and grabbed my hands, luring me into a sense of security. Not falling for that shit, you witch.

"I don't love Ashton, okay? I don't. I'll see you another time, Bryana,"

I pulled my hands away and grabbed my drink, leaving the table and the Starbucks.


I realise that it was a bit  suspicious of me to snap like that and leave but I wAS GETTING NERVOUS OKAY SHE WAS CLOSE

If Bryana finds out, she could totally double cross me and tell Ashton and tell the media and fuck me over. So I did the smart thing, didn't I? Didn't I? No? Oh.

Anyway, we'll see. Goodnight, Kent.

P.S I love you Ashton.

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