Entry 43

676 26 16

Hey, Kent.

So today was pretty neat. We decided that we all needed a well-deserved day out together, meaning a whole day with my boyfriend and the other two.

We decided to go to this little ice cream café kind of thing, and that was good because it was so tiny and irrelevant that no one there recognised us.

Oh and also, Luke & Cal left the table at one point, leaving me and Ash by ourselves at the table. One would think it would be awkward, but it kinda wasn't. Keyword: kinda.


"Luke, honey, just do it!" I encouraged, sipping my milkshake.

"Do what?" he asked, looking away from the brunette behind the bar.

"Don't act dumb," I sighed.

"No seriously, do what?" he questioned.

"Ask her out!" I nodded towards the girl, taking another sip of my milkshake.

He looked over at her again, smiling lightly as she laughed at something an elderly customer had said.

"I don't know..." he hesitated, still looking at her.

"I swear to fucking god, if you don't, I will," I stated, pointing at him with my spoon.

"You don't even like girls," Calum chuckled.

"Exactly, I'll ask her out of spite,"

Luke stared at me in disbelief, until I put my spoon down and slid out of the booth and started to head towards the attractive waitress.

"Waitwait, okay I'll do it,"

I turned around, smiling sweetly before sliding back into the booth as Luke slid out his side.

"While you do that, I need to piss," Calum stated.

"TMI, Hood," Ashton commented.

Calum tried to slide past me to get to the restrooms, before "accidentally" rubbing his hand over my crotch, earning a low grunt from me.

He looked back at me and smiled innocently, shaking his hips a little bit as he walked.

Ashton turned around, looking where I was looking, before turning back to me.

"Am I going crazy, or were you checking out Calum's ass?" Ashton asked.

"What? Calum has a nice ass," I shrugged

"Dunno, I think mine's better,"

"Cheers to that, my friend,"

I raised my glass in the air before drinking from it again. Ashton giggled cutely, and I smiled at him and his adorable little face.

"So, how's Andrew?" he asked after a short moment of silence.

"And Andrew is...?" I questioned.

"That guy you're seeing? Right?"

"Oh, him! That was ages ago, babe, keep up,"

"Wait, so what happened?"



"Literally, nothing. Nothing ever happened. I wasn't even seeing him, we were just friends with benefits, I guess,"


"What about you?"


"How's your love life?"

"Pretty shit,"

"Same!" I laughed.

He smiled lovingly at me, his hazel eyes sparkling. It seemed like something you would read in a fanfiction.

His attention was sadly torn away from me as he saw Luke approaching the booth once again. Ashton scooted towards the window seat so Luke could sit back down.

"How'd it go?" Ashton asked.

"Amazing, I got her number," he smiled smugly, holding up a piece of paper.

I reached over the table and snatched it from him, reading it for myself.

(her number) ~Sierra xx

"Wow, you actually got a girl's number," I said in awe.

"Don't sound so surprised," Luke laughed, taking the paper back and sticking it in his pocket.

"I don't mean to be that guy but what if it's fake?" Ashton asked warily.

"It isn't, I called her to check if I got it down correctly,"

Ashton nodded, before Calum started making his way back over to the table. He shuffled over me again, once again rubbing his hand over my crotch.

"Calum, Michael was staring at your ass," Ashton stated.

"Good," he smirked, looking out of the window.

I glared at him with lust, which Luke picked up on.

"Do I sense sexual tension?" Luke asked, leaning further onto the table.

 "Between me and Calum?" I asked.

Luke nodded, propping his head on his hands.

"Nah, I just really like his ass,"

We continued idle conversation, until I heard my phone go off, indicating I had gotten a text. I picked up my phone and read it.

Calum💦: I'll remember that ;)


So that was my day.

Spoiler alert: Calum & I had very good sex once we got back. Twice.

ANYWAY, I can't believe Ashton was looking at me like that and for so long am I dreaming what is this abshsdhhsdbd

Every single day that stupidly beautiful boy does something, anything, that makes me fall in love with him even more. I thought it was impossible to love him more than I already do but apparently not.

So I'm gonna tune in for the night.

Goodnight, Kent.

P.S I love you Ashton


Hey it's ye girl unosos here.

Just tuning in to say that sorry this chapter was so Malum-y, but I felt like I needed to write more about their relationship before I do the thing that I'm planning in the next few chapters to come.

So uh yeah goodnight you wonderful whores xx

P.S. I Love You (Mashton)Where stories live. Discover now