Entry 32

665 20 20

Evening, Kent.

We had an interview today. Guess which hoe had to talk about Laila? This hoe.

Stupid management said to the interviewer "hey, make sure to ask Michael about the girl from the pictures. And also show everyone the pictures,"


Also, guess what else was actually great fun and not sarcastic? Making out with a guy right before we went on.

Oh yeah. That happened.

Also, guess who it was I made out with before we went on?

Go on, guess. You'll never believe it. And no, it wasn't Ashton, sadly.

It was Calum.


I WAS IN MY DRESSING ROOM JUST DOING MY OWN THING AND THEN CALUM WALKED IN AND WAS LIKE "how's it going man? They gonna make you talk about Laila? Sad times, my friend, sad times," AND I WAS LIKE "YEAH NO KIDDING" AND HE WAS LIKE "you're hot when you're mad" AND I WAS LIKE "you're hot all the time" AND THEN WE MADE OUT ASHAHDHSHDHWGS

I like making out with Calum. Making out with Calum is good.

Then after we made out-


Calum backed me into a wall, his lips still attached to mine. He was wearing these boot things that made him taller, so I was looking up at him for once. Except not looking at him because making out with my eyes open would be weird.

His hands were placed on my hips, my arms wrapped around his neck. After a solid minute or two of his tongue choking me (in a kinky way, dw), we were interrupted by a knock on my dressing room door.

"You're on now,"

Footsteps were heard walking away from my room.

Calum hesitantly pulled away from me, staring at me as he gasped for air. His hands were still attached to my hips, and mine were still around his neck.

"Hey, we're on," I said, adding a bit of lighthearted wit so we're not awkward.

"Your lips are red," he stated, staring at my lips.

"So are yours," I agreed, "hey, maybe we're wearing matching lipstick," 

"You kidding? I only wear pink glittery lipgloss," Calum joked.

"I love how that's not even a lie,"

"Hey, you wear it too,"

"The entire band wears it, Calum, we bought a tube to share, remember?"

"Let's just go on, okay?"


"Maybe okay will be our always,"

"Shut the fuck up, Calum,"

Calum laughed as we exited my dressing room, forgetting about the events that happened merely seconds prior.

We took a seat on the sofa, as the cameras were being set up opposite us. The small crowd cheered as we walked on and sat next to our two bandmates.

The order went Calum, Ashton, Luke, me. I was sad that I was separated from Ashton, but slightly happy because I wouldn't have to have my thigh touching his as I talked about some model who I was "dating".

The interviewer shook our hands before sitting on the armchair and beginning the interview.

"Welcome, 5 Seconds of Summer, how are we all today?" She asked, smiling.

She asked us some questions about the album, and then some fun ones like "which band member spends the most on food?" and "if you were all on a boat which could only seat 3 people, who would you kick off?". We also did fan questions, a food-related challenge and then a couple more questions.

"So, we have just a few more questions until the interview is over," the interview stated.

The audience "aww'd" in sadness, before she continued.

"So, big spoon or little spoon?"

I laughed to myself, because that was basically a family-friendly pg-clean way of saying "who would top and who would bottom?"

"Little spoon," I admitted straight away, refering to the fact that I refuse to top instead of what she asked.

"Big spoon. I'm a man," Ashton said, chuckling.

"I dunno. Big spoon, I guess," Luke stated.

"I'm big spoon as well," Calum said.

"Luke, you are not a big spoon," I laughed.

"Yeah I am!" He argued.

"Shut up," I said, still laughing.

"Okay, now next question is about relationships. Michael, you were recently seen with a female. Anything to say about that?" The interviewer asked.

On the screen, they displayed a slideshow of pictures from the two outings we had. I saw Calum fidget in his seat slightly, and Ashton and Luke play it cool.

"Yeah, that's my good friend, Laila," I said, smiling (fakely)

"Good friend?" She questioned.

"Yeah, yeah, she's great,"

"So, you're not dating?"

I remembered what Steve said about 'denying it without actually denying it', so I avoided saying yes or no, and just answered her briefly.

"We're friends, I love her to pieces," I nodded.

"Alright, well Ashton, we wanted to ask how things were with Bryana?"

I rolled my eyes and scoffed to myself, which only Luke picked up on. He elbowed me lightly, which caused me to look at him and elbow him back, being the sassy little shit I am.

We had a mini elbowing competition, before Ashton reached over and stopped us.

"Pretty good, actually. Bryana and I have been dating for eight months now, actually, our anniversary was the other night. She's great,"

"Well that's lovely," the interviewer smiled, "that's all for today, have a lovely night, guys,"

We nodded and returned the gesture, before waving goodbye to the audience and leaving the set.

As usual, we were laughing joking all the way back to the dressing rooms. Before I went into mine, Calum grabbed my shoulder and pulled me back, whispering into my ear.

"Continue later?"

"Continue later,"

"Maybe continue later will be our always,"



what is my life.

ANYWAY instead of continuing later, I called up my good friend Crystal and updated her on my life stories. At this rate, I should have my own reality TV show. Keeping Up With The Clifford (only one Clifford bc I'll die alone)

Nighty night Kent.

P.S I love you Ashton.

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