Entry 28

672 23 6

Hi, Kent.

Today was the first day that I went public with Laila. It was so awkard.

So Steve, being the asshole he is, hired a bunch of paparazzi to follow us around. I think he also paid a news source to write a story on us, but only saying what he wants them to say.

Anyway, the publicity stunt.

We went to the cinema to watch a film, some stupid sappy film which sucked, and then we went to a half-decent restaurant. It sucked.

Me and Laila didn't really talk much. There's nothing to talk about.

She's a girl who's into the whole 'girly' thing, and I'm a punk rock gay guy. The only thing we have in common is a taste for dick.

The only thing we spoke about was me apologising for being so unenthusiastic when Steve asked if she was pretty, because I was down about the whole thing. She accepted my apology, which is pretty good.

After the meal, we walked back to her penthouse apartment. We had to walk hand-in-hand, which was annoying. Just happy her hands weren't sweaty and clammy or anything. Just smol and soft. (I prefer big hands) (like Ashton's)

The paps took pictures of us while we were walking. Pictures of us from behind, pictures of our faces, pictures of just her. Just pictures. Which will probably be public tomorrow.

I got back, annoyed as fuck from wasting my day doing that, and had a Netflix marathon with food. Yay.

That was all. Bit rubbish, as you can tell.

Goodnight, Kent.

P.S I love you Ashton.

P.P.S I hate you Steve.

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