Entry 45

637 23 2

Hey, Kent.

So uh.

Twitter is shook.

And Steve is pissed.

Which, you know, was to be expected but.

Anyway so as you would also expect, all of those annoying news sources like Daily Mail and The Sun got ahold of my tweet and decided "hey let's make up a bunch of shit that was never even suggested in the first place"

So, they gave the impression that:

- I'm gay (v true)

- Laila's gay

- 5SOS is lacking attention

- I'm lying to protect Laila

- I'm trying to get myself kicked out if the band (?)

- I'm lying for attention

- it's an exotic way of telling Laila that I want to break up with her

Which, you know, fucking crazy of them to assume. Like, of all of those things, only two of them have the potential to be true. Tf.

Sidenote, the boys think I'm fucking mental for doing it. I mean, they're not wong, it was a crazy idea but I guess it worked?

Steve is still in Barcelona, but he's coming back tomorrow and has already arranged for me and Laila to drop by his office overmorrow.

Fact: overmorrow means the day after tomorrow.

See? My diary is educational, too.

So if any of you twatheads are reading this again then at least you learnt something (!)

So anyway, onto what I did today.

Technically, it's what I did yesterday.

Oh yeah, Crystal & I went clubbing. This time, we went to a gay club to avoid Crystal being hit on considering she's with Richard now, and also because I still need to get laid.

Like yeah, having regular sex with Calum is fucking great, but so are other people.

I realise that there's not really any way of phasing that so that it doesn't suggest that I'd be totally cool with having sex with other people in an actual relationship, but just know that that's not what I'm getting at.

There's a high chance that that sentence made no sense.

Anyway, yeah I got laid and I'm back home, after successful avoiding paparazzi that want to know what the fuck was up with my tweet.

So that way my day. How was yours?

That was rhetorical. Calum, if you're reading this again, don't answer. You'd wreck my diary.

Especially you, Luke, with your indecipherable handwriting.

Yeah, that's right, I know big words. Big fucking whoop. I may have dropped out, but I'm still smart. Go figure.

Anyway, that was yesterday. Usually at this point I would say "oh I'm gonna go to bed now"  but I already went to bed.

So I'll see you tonight, when I update you on how today went. Or tomorrow morning, if I get laid last second.

Bye bye, Kent.

P.S I love you Ashton.

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