Entry 31

636 20 2

Hey, Kent.

I had to do another publicity stunt with Laila today. This entire charade is pissing me off already.

Like, I have to dedicate a whole day to this girl that I don't really get on with just to prove to the world that I'm straight. ???

I have much better things to do, like staring at Ashton and playing video games and staring at Ashton and watching Netflix and staring at Ashton and eating food and staring at Ashton. I'm a busy man, okay?

This is so stupid.

Anyway, today's publicity stunt had to involve more lovey-dovey stuff, but not too much because people aren't allowed to know yet.

So Laila and I went to the beach. Then we went to a cocktail bar near the beach. And paparazzi were there for it all.

It was so exhausting. Faking a smile for some stupid cameras and wasting my oxygen making awkward small talk. I would much rather waste oxygen on making out with Ashton.

I'm not really in the mood for this shit today, Kent.

See you tomorrow.

P.S I love you Ashton.

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