Entry 7

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Hiya Kent.

Today was actually good. The plan with Crystal went perfectly. Calum's all confused and shit and is now unsure as to whether I'm still in love with Ashton or not, and Ashton's totally jealous.

By jealous, I mean a supportive best friend because he's an amazing person.

Seriously, he invited us on a double date. How the fuck am I supposed to get out of this.

But anyway, let me tell you in detail how the plan went-


I heard a knock at the front door. That must be Crystal.

I shot up from the sofa, and I suspect that all of the boys were eyeing me curiously because of my sudden outburst.

I opened the front door, and there she was: my 'girlfriend'.

"Heya, babe," she smiled.

I leant in to hug her, which she gladly accepted, along with a kiss on my cheek.

"Let's go make your man jealous," she whispered into my ear.

I giggled (yes - I giggled. I know, how gay of me) and let her in.

Little did I know, the rest of the boys were watching us. I suppose that was a good thing, because they've been introduced to our lovey-dovey-ness early.

"Are you two... you know" Luke asked, gesturing between us.

I looked at Crystal. She nodded.

"Yeah," I stated nervously.

I watched all of their expressions.

Luke and Ashton were ecstatic, meanwhile Calum was plain confused.

"This is great! I'm calling Bryana over - we have to get you two acquainted," Ashton gleamed.

He ran back into the living room and called his girlfriend. I subtly rolled my eyes, as I put my had to the middle of Crystal's back and walked her through.

We all sat on the sofa.

"Well?" Ashton asked excitedly.

"...what?" I questioned.

"Introduce us!"

"She already knows who you are," I rolled my eyes.

He's annoyingly eager. He's supposed to be jealous and protective! Whatever, still cute.

"Well excuse me for wanting a proper introduction with your girlfriend," he sassed.

"Fine," I sighed, "Crystal, these are my bandmates Ashton, Calum and Luke. Guys, this is my girlfriend, Crystal,"

Ashtin squealed (adorable) and waved at her. The other boys greeted her as well - not as eager as Ashton - and we all chatted.


I'd say that went okay. Apart from Ashton practically falling in love with the idea of me falling in love, even though I'm not falling in love with Crystal and I've actually already fallen in love with Ashton. You know?

Later on, Bryana arrived. Ashton was still all squealy and adorable, which Bryana found adorable as well. Bitch.

Bryana met Crystal, and they were chatting while Calum dragged me out of the room. He said-


"What are you doing, Cal?" I asked, gaining my balance.

"I know I said I wouldn't bring it up, but what the fuck happened to the whole I'm-gay-and-in-love-with-Ashton thing?" He questioned, annoyed.

"I'm over that, okay? I'm not gay or in love with Ashton. I was just overanalysing the situation," I lied.

"Overanalysing the situation? Michael - you said you wanted him to bang you as hard as he bangs his drums,"

"Believe it or not, I was drunk when I wrote that,"

Calum sighed.

"So you're really over him?"


"And you're really into Crystal?"

I smiled when he said her name, just to convince him that I do really like her.

"She's amazing, Cal. I love being with her. I'm so happy that she said yes to me, I don't know what I would've done if she said no. She's the best," I rambled.

"You really like her, huh?"

"I really do,"

He smiled and patted my back. We went back into the living room and all eyes were on us.

"What did you guys talk about, babe?" Crystal asked.

I sat next to her and put my arm around her shoulder, kissing her cheek. I glanced over at the boys. They were all swooning over our new-found 'love'.

"Nothing important, baby. How you guys all getting on?"

"Really well! Me and Bryana are going shopping tomorrow," Crystal stated excitedly.

"Really?" I asked, curious as to if Crystal actually thought Bryana was nice or if she was playing the part.

"Yes! This is amazing, I always needed a girlfriend to do this stuff with," Bryana said, squealing in Ashton's arms.

"That's great, you guys," I smiled, squeezing Crystal's shoulder.


So that happened.

After Crystal left, she asked me what it was that Calum said to me, so I told her. I also asked if she genuinely liked Bryana, which she does.

I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing, to be honest.

Anyway, the plan was successful and that's cool.

Goodnight, Kent.

P.S. I love you Ashton

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