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Jungkook POV

"Jungkook-ah,can you help me to clean up this room?" I heard Jin Hyung said from the upstairs. "Changkamaniaeyo~" I replied as I otw towards him. "Hyung,why are you clean up this room suddenly? Is that any visitor come to our house?" I asked n curious about the situation.

"Yeah~we have a visitor tomorrow and he will stay with us in this year if I'm not mistaken" Jin Hyug replied simply. "But why~?!" I whined 

"Cuz he is bang PD cousin. He didn't have any place to live and we volunteered to give him a place" Namjoon Hyung answers as he walk off from his room.

"Why anyone didn't tell me about this?" I asked and started to get angry. " I thought you didn't care about it" Jin hyung said while waiting an answer from me.

"How could you think like that? IM ALSO A PART OF THIS FAMILY!!" I rise up my volume for answers the question. "Don't rise up your voice jungkook. Please respect yo-"

"Hyungs? Huh?" I cut Namjoon hyung sentence while rolled my eyes.


"I HATE ALL OF YOU!" I said n go out from the house with full of emotions. 

No one POV 

The others were inside their room already out cuz of jungkook voice

"What happened?" JHope asked while messing his hair.

The others waiting an answers from RM nor JN. RM n JN told everything about the incident.

"He must think that he's unuseful now" Yoongi said along with a big sigh.

"Yeah~ I think soo", add Tae.

"Nevermind~just let him clear his mind and after he comeback home, we will fixed it together" Rapmon said n they all nodded and go back to their rooms.


Jungkook didn't come home after the incident until the clock shows the time at 8pm. Everyone look at their loved maknae as he enter the house. Jungkook did not look at all of them and just towards go upstairs to his room as one of his hyungs blocked his way.

"Where did you go?" Jimin asked Jungkook while crossed his arms. "None of your business" Jungkook replied rudely to him.

Suddenly all of his hyungs blocked jungkook way and stared at his eyes as the maknae make eye contact with them.

"You still mad at us didn't you?" Jin asked him calmly. "Whatever" jungkook replied.

Suddenly a pair of arms hugged him and its Namjoon.

"Jungkook-ah, we're sorry cuz didn't told you about this. Please don't get mad at us" Namjoon begging Jungkook while still hugged him.

Jungkook looked up to Namjoon and said "Im not mad at all of you,I'm just feel kinda disappointed" and Jungkook's eyes started watery.

"Awww Jungkookie~! Don't do that face..you're too cute for that" Yoongi said with a lovely smile. "Yeah~you really want to kill your hyungs with that face didn't you?" Jhope teased the maknae.

"I-im n-not" jungkook stuttered while released the hug from RM. "our jungkookie is ashamed didn't he?" V said while looked at Jungkook lovely.

Jungkook started to feel uncomfortable and the hyungs just look at their maknae with a fondly smile on their faces.

"I will go upstairs first" Jungkook said n rubbed his neck n run as fast as he could. "Such a cutie" Jin said while smile. 


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