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The next morning, Jungkook woke up early from the others. Jungkook decided to make some breakfast for them.

After 30 minutes, the breakfast already been prepared on the table and all his hyungs came downstairs cuz hearing some noise in the kitchen.

"Oh? You already make breakfast?" Jimin who strain back his hair asked him. "Yeah~ I woke up early and I decided to make, so yeah" jungkook said. "Awww~ you don't have to" jimin said back, found that his dongsaeng was so kimd-hearted. "Yeah jungkook-ah, seriously" v also said to him, thought that the maknae really don't have to inconvenience himself. "Its okay~ I already make it tho, let's eat!" Jungkook happily said to them.

The breakfast just full of silent cuz nobody didn't know what to start the 'conversation'.

"Gomawo jungkook-ah~ its really delicious!!" Jhope praised jungkook. All the hyungs didn't never forget to always praised their maknae. "Really? Thank you too hobi hyung~ oh! Let me wash the dishes" jungkook took the plate and about to took another, "no2 you already cook and you want to wash? No2" jin said to him. "Its really okay hyungs~" jungkook said, really want to wash it. "No, yo-" rap Mon get cut by jungkook, "pwease~" jungkook said while making a cute face to his hyungs. 

"Aigoo~ you really?!" V said frustrated with his cuteness. "Yeah2 you can go~ I don't want to see that face~" suga forced himself to say like that from looking at jungkook face that he can't help with it. "Yey!!" Jungkook shouted happily while took all the plates and bought to the sink.

While jungkook wash the dishes, suga approached jungkook.

"Still wash?" Suga asked and put one of his hand on jungkook shoulder while looking at his beloved maknae eyes softly. Suga really have a soft spot when it comes to jungkook. "Yeah" jungkook said and smile but still didn't comfortable with skinship after the incident with Deukhwan plus suga really close to him until no gap there.

After that, suga go back to the members and then v go to check jungkook. V approached jungkook by giving him a back hug and put his chin on jungkook shoulder. Jungkook like always, shocked and uncomfortable with that.

"Ouh v hyung?" Jungkook asked, act didn't care with the hug. "Still not finished?" V asked him. " a bit more~" . "come on~ you will get tired if too long" v smile while still hug him. "I'm not tired hyung~" jungkook smile .

V just stay like that (position) for some minutes. He really love his maknae jungkook.


"I have to go now. Thank you hyungs~" jungkook showing his bunny smile. "Already want to go?" Jin asked sadly. "Just stay a bit longer can you?" Rapmon asked him as they really didn't want jungkook to leave. " I cant, probably Jackson and Mark are waiting for me~" jungkook said to them. "Alright~ its okay" jimin just give jungkook a smile, not to upset jungkook. "Anyeong~" jungkook said. "No goodbye kish again~?" Jhope asked jungkook. Jungkook laugh cutely, "anyeong hyungs~!" . "okay~ anyeong~" all the hyungs smile at him.


"Yah~! I'm here" jungkook called the two of his friends. "Aigoo~ why so late!" Mark asked him, tired for the long waiting. "Mianhae Mark-ah, Jackson-ah" jungkook apologize. "Come on~ tell us what happen yesterday!!" Jackson excited to hear some news from jungkook. Jungkook told them all the story from A to Z and Jackson and Mark hearing with full of attention. "That's all!" Jungkook finished his 'story'. "WOAH!!! HOW CUTE!!! Mark yelling. "TOTALLY JUNGKOOK-AH!! Awwww~!" Jackson too. "But its really not comfortable for me" jungkook state. "Yeah~ we understand but its okay~  but the important is your hyungs really love n missed you, you know!!" Mark said back to him. "Really?" Jungkook try not to believe. "Yup jungkook-ah~ don't worry!!" Mark said. "Deukhwan gonna fall in our trap!!" Jackson confidently said.


About 1 week, jungkook and his hyungs didn't meet cuz of the busy schedule and the hyungs Was on a holiday with Deukhwan.

"Tired?" Bang PD asked jungkook and smile at him. "A bit~" jungkook smile back to his appa. "Hmmmm........ OH!!! Your hyungs said that they will back to Korea tomorrow~" Bang PD tell jungkook as he didn't have any story or news to tell him. "Ahhh~ I see" jungkook replied simply cuz of the tiredness over himself. "And they want to meet you" Bang PD said again. "Me? Why?" Jungkook asked confusely. "Miss you of course ~" bang PD bought jungkook back to sense. "Come on appa~ just 1 week didn't meet and already miss me?" Jungkook try to ignored the fact that his hyungs miss him. 

"I'm tell telling the truth jungkook-ah~ just meet them okay?" Bang PD waited for jungkook aanswer. "Where?" . "I don't know ~ they will call appa later" Bang PD said.


-next day-

"Deukhwan-ah~ I think you should go home first cuz we need to meet someone" suga said to him. "Awww~ who?" Deukhwan asked suga , want to know who. "Our friend" suga lie to him, didn't want him know the truth. "Okay hyung. Be safe ya!" Deukhwan trust and go back to their house. "Alright" suga smile and glad that Deukhwan trust it. "Call appa now" suga said to jimin who next beside him. Jimin dialed the number and press the 'call' sign. Bang PD answers. "Anyeong appa! Tell jungkook to meet us at the mall, bye!" Jimin end the call, "let's go!"


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