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"Deukhwan ssi~ are you okay now?"  Suga asked him worriedly. "I'm okay, just my leg" deukhwan said while lay at the hospital bed. "Awww~ sorry deukwan-ah for jungkook behaviour" v said to him. "Aniya~ its okay hyung" deukhwan replied with smile, act smile. "Always take medicine okay? Its very important" rapmon remind him.


Jungkook decided to meet his friends at their usual place.

"Jungkook-ah, are you okay?" Mark asked him as he saw jungkook sad yet dissapointed face when he walk to them. "Yah!! Why are you crying?!!" Jackson asked him too. "Tell us" mark said. 

Jungkook told all the story from the beginning until the last incident awhile ago.

"JINJJA!!!!" Mark shouted as he didn't believe that jungkook hyungs do that to him. "I'm really shocked jungkook-ah" Jackson also said. "Yeah!!! Deukhwan!!! How could you do that to our friend!!" Mark said as he really angry. " I swear if I saw him, I will kill him!!" Jackson said. "Aniya~ its okay" jungkook try to sort the situation.

"No!!! Its not okay!! Look jungkook-ah~ he take your precious life with your hyungs. How could you just say its okay?" Jackson asked him. " If you guys do something~ its still the same~" jungkook said but deep inside he very sad. "But really jungkook-ah, your hyungs will regret it back" mark said confidently. "Are you sure?" Jungkook asked as he didn't sure. "Yup!!! Totally sure~!" The two said together.


Next day, BPD decided to come to 'BTS' house to look if jungkook is okay. He knocked the main door n someone opened it.

"Ouh appa?" Jimin the one who open the door asked. "You come?" V asked. "Why? Can't I ?" BPD asked them back. "Ani~ its just......why you come here?" Suga try change the topic. "Where's jungkook?" BPD asked them.

They rolled their eyes as he heard jungkook name.

"Why you ask him instead of Deukhwan? Deukhwan is sick appa~ not him" jin said as he seem didn't agree with BPD. "Appa didn't asked Deukhwan right and I know Deukhwan is sick but appa ask jungkook and please answer" BPD said calmly yet angry. "At his room" rapmon answer.

Suddenly jungkook appeared cuz hearing some noise from downstairs.

"Oh appa? Anyeong~ why you come?" Jungkook asked. "Jungkookie? Are you okay? Why your eyes are swollen?" BPD asked as he worry n shocked at jungkook. "Just let him be~ urghhh" jhope said, cringe of the 'drama' . "can you stop talking~? Jungkook-ah, tell appa" BPD begging him. "Nothing much appa~ its really nothing" jungkook lied as he didn't want to cause more trouble. 

BPD didn't believe that the fact Jungkook try to tell the truth.

"All of you. We need to talk" BPD said in a serious tone. "Talk? For what?" Jhope asked. "Listen~ why yout guys treat jungkook badly?" BPD asked calmly, try not to get angry. " Cuz we don't like him" jimin said. "Watch your words jimin" BPD said. " its right appa !!!" Rapmon said, want BPD to believe them. "Go!!" BPD yell at them. "We don't understand" v said as he didn't get what BPD mean. "Deukhwan~ go to your loved dongsaeng!! Go!! And dont asking me about jungkook anymore if one day you've been realised the truth!!" BPD yell at them, angry and disappointed at their behaviour.

"Appa~ don't do that to-" jungkook stop his sentences as he remember that his hyungs didn't allowed him to call them 'hyung'. "Nevermind jungkook-ah~ you don't have to say that word. Let's go" BPD pull jungkook hand and went out dissapointedly and feel bad for jungkook cuz his hyungs treat him like that. BPD take Jungkook to stay at his house.


-next day- 

"Appa~ I want to go to hyungs house can I? I want to take some of my clothes?" Jungkook asked BPD permission. "Okay you can go. Be safe" BPD give him a smile.


Jungkook went into the house and saw his hyungs watch television at the dining room together. The hyungs saw jungkook and just ignored him. After take some clothes, jungkook come downstairs, to leave the house. As jungkook about to go out, his hyungs asked him.

"Where do you want to go?" Jin asked. "Anywhere~ as its safe for me" jungkook said to his hyung and he just direct went out. He didn't want to talk to his hyungs for this time cuz when think back, its really hurt him.


- 1 month after-

The hyungs and Deukhwan were live happily and same goes to jungkook that life happily with his friends and his appa. But deep inside, all the hyungs really missed jungkook presence until one day they saw jungkook in their house as they entered.

"Mianhae~ I come in Cuz appa told me to take some clothes to my room" jungkook said and apologize quickly, look down. 

The hyungs stop for some minutes cuz they really missed jungkook touch , hug , scent and to call them 'hyung'. " I'm sorry" jungkook said and about to leave but get caught cuz all his hyungs blocked jungkook way.

"Where have you been?" Suga asked him in a softly yet worriedly tone while looking at the maknae lovely. 

All the hyungs look at their beloved and cute maknae through the eyes that makes jungkook uncomfortable. 

"Somewhere" jungkook said, didn't make any eye contact. "Look at us~" jimin said to him and also in a softly voice.

Jungkook slowly make eye contact with them. They all look at each other without saying anything in a good and peaceful minutes.

"We mi-" v want to say something but then they heard some knocked from the door. "Hyungs!! Open the door~!" Deukhwan shouted from outside. "Wait deukhwan ssi!!" Jhope said to him. "Jungkook-ah~ follow us" rapmon said.

They lead jungkook to upstairs, in a room. 

"You wait here~ don't go out okay?" V said softly to him. "O-okay~" jungkook replied as he confused why his hyungs suddenly like that.

All of them go downstairs and opened the door.

"Why so late hyungs!?" Deukhwan whined. "Mianhae~ we at the kitchen" suga lied to him. "Never mind. I will go upstairs to take a shower" deukhwan said to them. "Alright~" jimin smiled.


"Are you there?" Rapmon asked as they open the door and come in. "Yeah. I- I have to go" jungkook said. "Wait!!" Jhope try to stop him. "Yes? Why?" Jungkook turn and look at them. "Where do you live?" Jhope asked him. "Somewhere ~ anyeong~" jungkook said with a smile.

All the hyungs just give a big sigh. How much the missed jungkook. Meanwhile jungkook crying in the car as he remember his memories with his hyungs aand he also missed them.


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