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"Leeyoung-ah!! Finally you come~!" BPD said to his nephew at the front of the door. "Anyeong ahjussi~! Sorry I'm a bit late. Its hard finding this house" leeyoung laugh playfully. BPD and him shared the happiness together. "Where's the rest?" Leeyoung asked BPD while look around. "They at inside. Come in2" BPD welcomed his nephew to come into the house. As leeyoung went in, he also welcomed by the 7 of his cousins. "Leeyoungie~!" Jungkook with his excited mood approached and hug him. "Aigoo jungkookie~!" He said while hug him back. Leeyoung also hug the rest. They really miss each other. "You really had changed!" Jhope said, didn't know that his cousins become more mature and handsome. "Aniya. I'm still as me" leeyoung laugh, "I think jungkook had changed more~! He become more cute nowadays~!" Leeyoung said happily. "Me? Cute? Its a joke leeyoung-ah" jungkook didn't want to accept the truth.

"Its for real jungkook-ah~ when and how you become such this cute?" Leeyoung asked while put his hand on jungkook shoulder, pull his cousin closer. Jungkook really close to leeyoung from child besides the rest. "Of course its because we took care of him well" jin proudly said. It seem the acting was started. "Really jungkook-ah? Should I trust?" Leeyoung playfully asked him. "Yeah. My hyungs took care of me well" jungkook smiled. He also has started the act. "Glad to here" leeyoung smiled.

"You guys sit first okay~ I will prepared the food" BPD said from the kitchen. "Alright ahjussi-ah~!" Said leeyoung. Jungkook about to stand up but were stop by his hyungs. "Where do you want to go?" Rapmon asked him. "Help appa" jungkook replied simply. "Appa gonna be okay. Just sit with us can you. If you go, we are gonna miss you baby~" jimin said, using the 'word' in front of their cousin. He really love to tease his maknae. Jungkook didn't know what to react but leeyoung, "aigooo~!!! I didn't know you guys like this~!! How cute~!!" Leeyoung sequel himself. He really like to see his cousin in that relation. For him, that's makes him felt happy and relieved. "We always like this leeyoung-ah. Right baby~?" Suga join. He also used the 'word'. Jungkook like a stone there, can't move but he forced himself to say something. He didn't want leeyoung felt something else.

"Y-yeah leeyoung-ah~ hyungs always call me like that" jungkook smile awkwardly to his cousin and that's make his hyungs secretly smiled. They really love to see their maknae like that. For them, it was too cute. "Awww really?! Did you like it when your hyungs call you like that?" Leeyoung excitedly wait for jungkook answers. Jungkook felt like a sharp knife was throw into his heart. He didn't know what to say. He felt like he was the middle of the dead and life. "Yea~ I love it when hyungs call me like that" jungkook forced to said for his appa good sake. "Oh my~ why you guys so cute~!!" Leeyoung didn't finished yet with his excited mood. Suddenly, BPD shouted from the kitchen, "come here!! Food had been prepared!!" He said. All of them towards go the kitchen.

"You make all this ahjussi?" Leeyoung asked, seem impressed with it while took a sit, same goes to the others. "Yeah, I made it. Special for you leeyoung-ah. Our special guests" BPD said. "Really? Thank you. Let's eat~!" Said him.

In the midst of eating, v started to talk. "Leeyoung-ah~ you must want to know a lot about jungkook right? Yeah~ because the two of you was close in former". "Yeah taehyung-ah. Tell me about him that I didn't know" leeyoung seem to-be interested with it. "Aigoo~ you don't have to know about me leeyoung-ah. I'm still the same" jungkook said, didn't want his hyungs embrassed him or make fake story about him. "I have to know~! Tell me taehyung-ah" leeyoung said. "If you want to know~ jungkook is hard to wake up" said v. "Really? Aigoo jungkookie~" leeyoung said, "then how you guys wake him up?" Asked him more.

"Just kiss him" suga immediately said and that's makes jungkook choked on his food.

"Jungkook-ah~ are you okay?" BPD asked him. "I'm okay appa~ nothing much" jungkook smiled a bit. "Aigoo jungkook-ah~ its that true?" Leeyoung smiled widely. "No~ its not true" jungkook said. "Why you have to keep it baby~~?" Jhope asked the maknae and yes, he used that 'word'. BPD just silent. He knows his sons plan towards his youngest son. "How I gonna tell the truth when is not true hyung?" Jungkook said back. "Aigoo~ its okay guys. I don't have to know it. Its your guys private (?)" Leeyoung play with jungkook. "Yah!! Its not a private okay plus we didn't do it leeyoung-ah" jungkook hit his cousin playfully.

"Yeah jungkook is right leeyoung-ah. We didn't do like that but we will. Right baby~?" Jin attack jungkook more. Jungkook really can't help it. "I go outside for awhile" jungkook said and stand up, put his plate at the sink and went out. He really uncomfortable when his hyungs call and tease him like that. "Look~ jungkook must be ashamed. Why you guys make him like that?" BPD said to them. "We just want to play with him appa~ his too cute. We can't help" rapmon said. "I'm understand your feelings guys. Jungkook really cute tho. I'm also shocked" leeyoung also said, "I'm gonna check him at outside" leeyoung said and go through at where jungkook was after done putting his plate.

"Jungkook-ah?" Leeyoung approached him. "Oh? Why you out?" Jungkook asked his cousin. "Looking for you of course" he smiled, same goes to jungkook. "You okay?" Leeyoung asked him back when he saw his cousin was space out. "I'm okay just-". "Ashamed?" Leeyoung finished jungkook word. Jungkook just nod. Leeyoung smiled, "you don't have to be shy jungkook-ah. Its really shows your hyungs really love you so much you know. That's why they like to showering you with lots of love" leeyoung explained to him, didn't want jungkook felt uncomfortable more when with him. "I understand and thanks" jungkook hug him. They shared the hug in a good 30 seconds. "Let's go inside" said leeyoung.


"Bye ahjussi. Bye guys!! See you again!!" Leeyoung said, he already want to leave them. "Bye leeyoung-ah~!! Please come again~!!" Said all of them. Leeyoung waved his hand and he's out from their site. All of them went into the house back. BPD was clean the kitchen while the others were in their room.

In other side, jungkook still thinking why his hyungs call him that name. Not just in front of leeyoung but before it, they also had call him that (stairs incident). He had forgive his hyungs just they didn't know yet. Jungkook just keep it as a secret for awhile. Jungkook stand up himself from the bed. Hes about to go out from his room, his hyungs suddenly appeared infornt of his room. "What do you want hyungs?" Jungkook asked properly. "Youu~~" his hyungs said together. They make their selves steps forward, take every step slowly while jungkook backwards himself until he hit the wall.

He stuck there with his 6 hyungs. He can't do anything. He try to escape but was blocked by jhope. "Don't run baby~" jimin said softly. "Why hyungs call me like that? I have a name right" jungkook start to talk. "Why? Is it wrong for us to call you like that?" V asked the youngest. "I'm not say that's wrong but I don't like it when you call me by that name. Moreover in front of guests" said the youngest. He said truly from his heart. "But, as I remember, you had said that you love it when we call you like that to leeyoung right?" Rapmon asked him more. "Yea I know but you know right its an acting" jungkook replied of what he wanna talk. "It might seem acting for you but it was not for us" rapmon fastly answered it.

"Let go of me. I want go out" jungkook try to changed the topic. "No. We are not gonna let you go" suga said to him, look at him with full of admiration. "Then? What do you want hyung?" Jungkook didn't get what his hyungs want from him. "Nothing much, but remember, you are ours. No one can have you baby~" v the last one who said. All of them leave jungkook dumbfound.

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