Twenty three

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Jin/Jungkook Stan?  💫



: hey jungkook, what's up?


: hey! I'm on my way to YK Mall. Jin hyung asked me to follow him


: really? I'm about to meets you but jin hyung more faster than me though


: sorry. I couldn't cancel. Jin hyung will be upset


: no its fine. Have fun!

The eldest and the youngest together just arrive at their destination on time. They walk in hand to hand as jin didn't want jungkook to lose in this huge mall alone and want the youngest to be with him 24/7.

"Where we gonna go first hyung?"

"Let's buy something to eat. There's nothing in our kitchen"

He chuckles, "alright hyung"

"Jungkook, get me an oil bottle" he command the youngest as he was reading the shopping list in his phone.

As usual, jungkook obeyed without any question.

As he went at the oil line, he was having some struggle to get the oil bottle. The place was a bit high and not fit with his height. He tip toed as he can and trying to reach but it's failed.

Jin who suddenly saw it, fondly chuckles at the cute scene from far. He then walk out to jungkook and give him a help.

"Ask for help nextime" he reach it easily. The youngest ashamed while scratch the back of his neck and muttered 'sorry' to jin which the eldest replied with a loving smile.

Jin was catching some others ingredients and things that they needed at home. The youngest just waiting at the 'mall trolley' as jin told him to.

As he waiting for his hyung to come back. Some plopped sounds were heard. He slide his phone in confused but turn into smile when he saw the rest of his hyungs send him a message.

From : Jimin hyung

When you're gonna return home? I already miss you :(

To : Jimin hyung

I don't know hyung. Jin hyung still searching :(

He chuckles.

He then opened another message and he smiled,

From : Hobi hyung

Why take you so long there? Are you forgetting this hyung here?

To : Hobi hyung

Jin hyung still didn't finish yet. I'm always remember you hyung. Don't be sad :(

He smiled.

Another message.

From : Namjoon hyung

Make sure be back safely okay?

To : Namjoon hyung

I will hyung :)

He's grinning and open another one.

From : V hyung

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