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Yesterday, jungkook's hyung didn't went to their own house. They sleep at their appa house. In this morning, all of them go to jungkook room together. They were welcomed by jungkook sleeping yet cute face. Their maknae still didn't woke up. Jungkook sleep peacefully there with his night cloth that was really cute on him. The 6 of them decide to woke him up. They sat at the side of jungkook bed.

"Jungkookie~ wake up baby~" jin try to woke up his maknae while stroking jungkook hair softly. Jungkook move a bit because of the disturbing. He rub his eyes and opened it slowly. He saw his hyungs were there. He felt shocked for once but he decided for not to show to his hyungs. "Oh hyungs? Why you come here?" Jungkook asked them. "For waking up you of course" jhope said to the maknae in a brotherly tone. "Now, wake up and go to shower" rapmon also said to jungkook. "Don't want. Its still early~ I want to sleep more~" jungkook whined and closed his eyes, pretend that he was sleeping.

"Yah~! Wake up~! Don't be lazy~!" Jimin said playfully to jungkook. Jungkook just ignored what his hyungs said. He still with his to-be acting (sleep). "Jungkook-ah, wake up can you? Don't pretend that you didn't hear us" suga said. He had feels that jungkook was not totally sleep there. Jungkook still didn't gave any response and that's make his hyungs to use the 2nd ways.

"Hyung baby~" *peck at the lips- suga

Jungkook immediately opened his eyes, "hyung~!!! Don't kish me~!!!"jungkook whined while hit suga playfully. "What? That's the only way to wake you up" suga replied. "Wake up baby~~" v about to lean in to his maknae but jungkook close his face with his blanket, "no~!", said jungkook cutely. The hyungs just laugh while smile fondly. "Alright2, come on jungkook-ah~ wake up" rapmon said, still with his smiling. "Don't want~! Hyungs will kish me more~!" Jungkook said under his blanket.

"We won't" jin and jimin said together. Jungkook opened his blanket slowly until he shows his face. He looks at his hyungs. The 6 of them just stared at their maknae for a long time. The 6 of them make an eye contact to the youngest. Jungkook felt uncomfortable. "Hyungs~ (?)" Jungkook call his hyungs, try to get his hyungs back to sense. His hyungs didn't bother with it. They still look at jungkook with full of admiration.

"Hyungs~!!! Don't look at me like that!!" Jungkook whined, he really can't help the fact that his hyungs stared at him in a long time. The hyungs laugh again. The truth is the hyungs just want to play with him. The miss to mess with their Maknae. "I go shower first" jungkook go down from his bed quickly and go towards the bathroom and locked it. "You love it didn't you~!" Jimin shouted, secretly smile and same goes to the others. "No!!" Jungkook shouted back and make his hyungs laugh more.


After having a breakfast together, the 7 of them doing their own things. Suddenly, they heard a knock from the door. Jhope the first one who noticed it, go to open the door. When he opened it, its was Jackson and Mark. "Hi hyung~" the two of them greet jhope with friendly smile. Jhope smiled, "hi guys. Want to meet jungkook?" Asked him. "Yeah. Can we come in?" Mark said politely. "Of course you can~! Come in2" jhope greet them in. "Jungkook-ah! Mark and Jackson was here! Come downstairs!" Jhope shouted from the dining room. Jungkook immediately run from upstairs. "Hi guys~!" Jungkook said happily while giving a friendly hug to his friends. "Hi jungkook-ah~!" Said Jackson. "Are you free now?" Mark asked when he noticed that Jackson already didn't know what to talk about. "I guess I'm free. Why?" Jungkook asked back, waiting for his friend response.

"Let's go out. We rarely see each other in this 2 weeks" Jackson said while make his sad act face. "Yah! You don't have to do face like that jackson-ah. You think that's cute?" Mark said, want to play with him. "I'm just make tho" Jackson said with his normal face and makes jungkook turn into laugh.

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