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The next day, the 6 of them decided to go to their appa house. Moreover they have nothing to do in that day.

"Appa?" Jin called their appa while went into the house. "Why so early? Im not done making breakfast yet" BPD said to them as he saw his son searching for him. "Its really okay appa. We can do together" rapmon said with his dimple smiling on it. "No2, its okay. You guys sit first and appa will make it" said him, "jungkook-ah~!! Help appa making breakfast~!" BPD shouted from downstairs while his on his way to the kitchen. "Alright~! Just a minute~!" Replied the youngest from his room. Not longer than that, jungkook go downstairs and shocked that his hyungs also there, sit at the dining room. They make eye contact with each other but it doesnt last long when jungkook rolled his eyes annoyedly. Jungkook just go to his appa.

"What are you gonna make?" Jungkook asked his appa excitedly. "Pancakes since your hyungs were there" replied his appa. The youngest just replied with 'alright'.


"Jungkook-ah, call your hyungs to eat" BPD said while put the pancakes on the plates. "Don't want~" jungkook whined slowly. "Eh? Wae?" BPD stop for awhile, look at jungkook. BPD didn't know yet about them. "I'm tired to walk" jungkook smile awwarkdly. "Aish~ breakfast ready!!" BPD call his other sons. All of them gathered at the kitchen. "Woahh!! Pancakes!!" Jhope the one that love pancakes immediately sat down and grab his food. "Its look really delicious appa" jimin said excitedly like a child. "Its vewy dewicious!! Eat2!!" Jhope said with his full mouth." Yah hyung! Eat properly can you? Aish. Let's eat" v said to jhope. "Come on, just eat" their appa just laugh. "Jungkook-ah~ can you pass hyung the plate" jin said to the youngest. Jungkook just pass it while make a mad face. "Hey~ what's wrong?" BPD asked jungkook, suddenly changed like that in front of his hyungs. "I don't have appetite. I go up first" jungkook just through go to his room. His not in mood. "What's wrong with him?" BPD immediately asked the rest. He bet that the 6 of them know the situation.

"Nothing much appa~ we will fixed it after it. Right guys?" Rapmon said while the rest just give a nod.


After they done eating, they bought their maknae a plate of pancakes to his room because he didn't eat awhile ago.

"Jungkook-ah~" v the one that call jungkook. They all saw the youngest sit on his bed. They went at him, sit at the corner of the bed. "What?" Jungkook said coldly to his hyungs. "Are you mad with us?" V asked lovingly at him. "I don't want to hear anything. Just go" jungkook said, didn't make any eye contact. "We are sorry~ we just act and we expect that you understand" jimin said softly to jungkook since his currently mad now. "I'm not even understand and don't want to understand!" Jungkook rebelled to his hyungs. "We sorry okay~ we didn't meant it~" jhope more like to begging and appeal the youngest. "You know hyung? How you feels when someone that you trust and love stab at your back? Tell me hyungs! Tell me!!" Jungkook nearly cry when he talk like that. He shows that he's very hurt.

"Don't cry~ we know we was wrong" jimin said to jungkook again. "Forgive us can you~?" Rapmon softly said, want the maknae apologize. "I don't know, just go. Leave me alone~!" Jungkook shouted, cry hardly infront of his hyungs. "No~ we don't wanna go" suga finally opened his mouth. "Please I said~! Leave me alone hyungs~!" Jungkook shouted even more. His hyungs didn't know what to do now. He think that jungkook need some time alone. All of them went out from his room with a sad emotions. Before they went out, jin said, "there's was a food for you. I know you're mad at us but please eat for your own good sake. We are not gonna bother you from now. Take your time" and then the 6 of them leave with full of sad and dissapointed. Their appa can't do anything. He just give some reassuring and advice words for them. All of them went to their home.


Day by day, its already 1 week they didn't meet each other. They just doing their own things. Its a lie if they didn't miss jungkook presence. They really miss their maknae but they can't do anything because they know that jungkook still hurt. One day, the 6 of them went to their appa house. Their appa called them to go there is because he had something to discuss with. They all went in to the house. "Come sit here sons" BPD said to all of them. "So appa, what are you gonna discuss about?" Suga said after he take a sit at the sofa.

"You know your cousin leeyoung right?" BPD asked them. "Yeah we know. Why?" Jimin replied to his appa questions. "He want to come to my house tomorrow and he want to meet all of you. So, can you sleep at appa house today?" BPD asked after he explain the main reason he want they come to his house today. "Oh really? Okay if you said like that appa" jin the first one agreed, follow the others. "But, I have one more important things to tell" add BPD. The rest just waiting. "I know your relation with jungkook still didn't good but please, you must help me. Please act lovely as always with him. I don't want leeyoung to feel something strange" their appa state his hope to his sons.

"I'm sure that all of us okay with it but how about jungkook?" Rapmon asked back. "You don't have to worry. I already asked and explain to him yesterday and he also okay with it. So, I just expect that you guys also okay. Can I?" BPD said, didn't want the rest felt guilty. "Yeah appa. We okay with it" v said, smile a bit. Suddenly, jungkook went in, "appa~ appa~ this is your- " jungkook stop his words when he saw his hyungs. His hyungs that he didn't meet a week ago. How was it and for the hyungs, they look at jungkook with full of miss thats hard to describe it. Just look at their maknae face can make them feel want him so much. Jungkook bought himself back to sense, "appa~ where can I put this things?" Jungkook only look at his appa. "Just put at the kitchen jungkook-ah~ and thanks for helping appa" BPD smile to his youngest son.

"Its not a problem appa~ I put this things first" jungkook smile. The hyungs can't help but to miss his smile. His bunny teeth smile that all of them like that shows his cute baby face there. Jungkook didn't spare a glance for his hyungs. He just go through the kitchen and go upstairs to his room, leaving his hyungs and his appa at the dining room.


The next day, early in the morning, jungkook woke up early from the others. He decided to go downstairs to look at his appa was doing. He approached his appa, "good morning appa~" said him cheerfully. "Good morning jungkook-ah" his appa smiled. "Did you want a help?" Asked jungkook because he know that his appa gonna Cook more than one dishes for his cousin that will come today. "You don't have too~ just take a shower and rest okay?" BPD didn't want his son got tired. "Aww appa~ I can help besides I'm didn't have anything to do" jungkook begging his appa. "You seriously want to help appa?" BPD asked him back. Jungkook just response with a nod. "If that so, help appa to wake up all of your hyungs upstairs" BPD deliberate do like that. He want their relation back to normal. "Appa~!!! Don't want~! Its not a help~! And you know right how I'm with hyungs?" Jungkook whined, give his appa So many reasons.

"You also said that you want to help appa, then appa give you the thing that you can help appa but you didn't want to do. What appa gonna do more? Tell appa" BPD start to-be debate with him. "Yeah I know but appa~!!" Jungkook whined more to his appa. "Just go jungkook-ah. If you don't wanna go, you still have to act with them when leeyoung come right? Still the same" his appa open his mind to think more futher. "Alright2~ I will" jungkook with his grumble mood to his appa, go to wake up his 6 hyungs up there. He don't want to do but he had forced to do it. 

Jungkook about to finished the 3 more steps at the stairs before he head to his hyungs rooms, he heard his hyungs voice, talking together. He cudgel with his hyungs at the stairs without knowing. He didn't know what to talk about in that time but he felt relieved because he doesnt have to woke up his hyungs. "Ap-appa w-want hyu-hyungs to come d-down" jungkook suttured. He felt like awwarkd there. His hyungs just look at him. Its makes the situation more awwarkd and jungkook just climb himself upstairs, want to run from this situation. As he walk beside his hyungs, suddenly, one of his hyungs stop him with his hand on the youngest waist and that was suga. Jungkook can't escape from it when suga pulled him by the waist and make jungkook faced them.

Jungkook didn't look at his hyungs. Then, v uttered, "look at us baby~" he said slowly and softly. Jungkook felt uncomfortable when his hyung call him by that name. Jungkook slowly make himself look at his hyungs one by one. His face was so innocent and that's make his hyungs patient didn't last long. His hyungs about to say something but was interpruted by their appa. "Come downstairs~! Leeyoung will come in 30 minutes more!" Their appa said. Jungkook immediately go downstairs, leaving his hyungs there. The 6 of them just smiled fondly. They really love to make their maknae felt uncomfortable. They love to mess with him. They go downstairs also. Jungkook and his hyungs didn't talk after the incident until leeyoung had come.

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