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"Am I late?" Jungkook asked his hyungs as he just went it. The hyungs parted their mouth as they look at jungkook that really cute in front of them.

 The hyungs parted their mouth as they look at jungkook that really cute in front of them

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Jungkook noticed that his hyungs kind of weird. "Hyungs~ are you okay?" Jungkook asked, not sure about his hyungs. 

"W-w-wh-"  - v

"Jinjja~" - RM

"Oh my-" - jimin

"Aigoo~" - suga

"Jung-aish" - jin

"Jungkook-ah~" - jhope

Jungkook can't hear what they try to say cuz all of them say at the same time. "Hyungs? Is my face have something?" Jungkook thought while touch his face. "No!!! Jungkook-ah~ you're.... You're just too cute~! Ahh~ jinjja~" suga said more like unbelievable with what he saw. "Seriously jungkook-ah~ we really can die here!!" Jimin also kind of frustrated. "Okay2, I will take out the glasses then~" jungkook about to take off, v stop his hand to do that, "no2! Just let it be" v smile "let's go~ we really hungry!!" V whined. "Hyungs!! But I want ice cream first!! Let's buy please~" jungkook said to his hyungs, try to catch their heart with all of his cuteness. 

"Aigoo~ you're so cute!!" Jin pinched jungkook cheek. "Let me buy for all of you" rap Mon volunteered. "I will help" jhope give a hand.


"Here you go" jhope passes the chocolate vanilla cookies ice crram to jungkook. "Its really delicious~! Mmmm~" jungkook whined cuz of the mouthwatering ice cream that he taste.

The hyungs just smiled at their maknae.

"Aigoo jungkook-ah~ you have ice cream at your corner mouth~" jimin said to jungkook as he find its cute. "Where~?" Jungkook touch his mouth, try to find but its the wrong side. "Here~" suga come slow to jungkook that really close and wipe it. "G-gomawo~" jungkook smiled nervously to suga and take another spoon of ice cream.

"Jungkook-ah~ seriously~!" Jimin laugh at jungkook. "What?" Jungkook asked as he didn't know what jimin try to told him. "You still have ice crram! So smugdy! Cute~ let me clean for you~" jimin smile before lean slowly to jungkook face and wipe it, "there~" jimin smile again.

The others just watched it with full of love. All of them towards go to fill their stomach that already hungry.


"Thanks hyungs cuz treat me"jungkook give them a bunny smile. "Aww~ its really okay jungkookie~ no need to thanks us" jhope smile lovely at jungkook. He really had fun today with his maknae. "Bye hyungs~!" Jungkook said. "Bye~" all of them smile weakly, hope something that can't be real for them.

Jungkook know why his hyungs were like that. He really feel guilty, but he also didn't want to do it yet.

"HYUNGS! WAIT!" Jungkook shouted at his hyungs were already in front of the car. "Yeah?" V asked as all of them come towards jungkook back. "Are you guys okay?" Jungkook asked carefully. "Yes we are~ why?" Jin try not to hurt jungkook feeling. "You seem not~" jungkook look at his hyungs slowly.

All the hyungs just stay silent for some seconds.

"Just go inside~ its already late. Go~" rapmon said to jungkook, didn't want the atmosphere become more awwarkd.

"Can I get a hug before I go in?" Jungkook try to find some idea to not dissapointed his hyungs wish. The hyungs immediately smile ear to ear when jungkook asked them. "Of course you can! Come here~" jimin said excitedly and smiled. They all hug jungkook one by one.

"Bye jungkookie!!" Jungkook's hyungs waved to him and jungkook returned it with a smile.


-in the car- 

"His scent really soothing and lovely~" suga said to the members. "Yeah hyungs~ I wish I can hug him more" v started to imagined with himself. "He really make us crazy" jimin state the truth. "His touch also" jhope add. "Yeah, I love his touch, its just comfortable and soft like a baby skin" rapmon agreed with his friend. "All we need now is jungkookie, he really make us want him so bad tho~" jin Make a conclusion.


"Hyungs!! I'm cold! Can I hug you?" Deukhwan make a 'drama queen' infront of them. "Really? Come2" rapmom the first one who hug him, follow the others.

"Thanks hyungs~ I feel better now!" Deukhwan smiled widely. "We glad you are~" jin smiled back at him. "Let's get some hot chocolate at the cafe, since its cold" suga give a suggestion. "That's a great idea!!" Jimin really excited and happy when someone saye to go 'out'. "Treat me!!" Deukhwan said, Up to who gonna treat him. "Okay2" suga just laugh with it.


-at the cafe- 

"What do you want Deukhwan?" V asked him. "Hot chocolate is better" Deukhwan replied simply. "Okay~ 7 hot chocolate please" v said and smiled to the waiter. "Okay~ your order will ready in some minutes" the waited said properly and full of politeness. "Thank you" smiled v.

"This cafe really beautiful isn't it?" Jhope realised the great combination of the cafe and look at it proudly. "It is~" jin agreed, "hey~ wanna hear my jokes?" Jin asked them, try to cheer up the mood. "Jimin laugh, "sure hyung!". "Again?" Suga laugh while shakes his head. "Come on~ its an easy one" jin try to persuade his members to hear his 'dad jokes' . "okay2, tell us" jimin said.

"Whats dog say to the wall?" Jin give a question. All of them keep thinking the answer.

"Didn't get? Give up?" Jin said happily. "Just tell us" rapmon laugh. "WALL!! WALL!!" jin tell the answer and laughing at his own jokes. "Aigoo hyung!!!" Deukhwan laugh hardly.

"Its unbelievable" v also joined. "I told you~ its funny right?" Jin said proudly. "As if~ " suga rolled his eyes playfully. All of them laugh cuz of suga words. then, the hot chocolate ready!.

"Oh? Hot chocolate!!' Jhope said happily and clap his hand cutely. "Yah!! Behabe hyungs" v shaked his head. "Its very delicious~ I will come to thus place often" deukhwan said, fall in love with the taste of the hot chocolate. "With who?" Jhope tease him. "Aish~ just my friends" Deukhwan said. " are you sure Deukhwan-ah" suga also teasing him. "Hyungs!" Deukhwan whined as he started to get shy. The hyungs just laugh of it.

While they at the cafe.....

"Thanks hyungs cuz bought us to this place~ its really calm here" jungkook said to his hyung. "Much welcome~ and I'm glad that you guys happy" sejoung smiled. "Sejoung hyung really kind! If I have a brother like you hyung~" mark started daydreaming. "Yah2! Stop imagined.!" Jackson bought Mark back to his sense.

"You guys are so cute" sejoung said and look at them. "Yeah, cute, but can be evil at sometimes" jungkook laugh. "How dare you jungkook-ah~" mark said. "Aish this friend" Jackson whined. "Come on2" sejoung laugh, "let's go inside" he smiled.


A/N : hi my lovely readers!! Sorry for the late update !!! N sorry too for this boring chapter here!! I'm really2 sorry!! I hope you have a good day today!! Always be healthy ya!! Saranghae!!

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