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"Jungkookie~" jimin sliding his hand on the youngest waist while jungkook was busy wash some plates at the sink. The older can't help for not to touch the youngest. How cute and innocent was he even just standing there, washing the leftovers. "Aigoo hyung, don't bother me. I'm currently wash this plates" jungkook whined, tired of his hyung behavior that was so touchy towards him. I'm not blind jungkook-ah. I still can see what you doing right now" jimin makes himself that he didn't know what jungkook means. He release his hand from the youngest waist and sat himself on the kitchen counter and took the chance to admire his little brother in front of him. "Aish hyung~ what I means is if you approached me like that, in suddenly, you know right this plates gonna crack because of my shock that obviously the causes was from you" jungkook said, didn't bother to look at his hyung eyes and just keep washing.

Jimin just smiled, thought jungkook just cute when he whined or complain something. A bit of silence between them after the to-be argument. No one of them want to say something. Luckily, the silent atmosphere doesn't last long when someone come to the kitchen. "What's going on here? Did I miss something?" Jhope asked and lean his body at the kitchen counter, not too far from them. "You didn't miss anything hyung. Just this jimin hyung keep bother me" jungkook send a death more to-be playful glared to jimin. "What? Its not my fault anyway. Its you. You're too cute to be lonely in the kitchen" jimin said while smiling to jungkook. Jhope just laugh at them because its just cute seeing them fight with this kind of thing.

Jungkook finally finished his washes. He grab a small towel that was hanging perfectly at the hook. "Finish already?" Jhope asked jungkook. Jungkook hums in response while wipe his hands at the towel. "Where do you want to go?" Asked his 2 hyungs when they saw jungkook about to walk. "To my room hyungs. I have a lot of work to do" jungkook said normally, not whined nor annoyed. "Let's watch movie together~! You can do your work later jungkook-ah" jimin begging jungkook to join them together.

"Jimin hyung~ I'm really have to do. I'm so sorry hyung, hobi hyung" jungkook immediately makes an apologize. He felt guilty for refuse his hyungs hope/request. "Its okay jungkookie. Hyung understand" Jhope smiled, pat the youngest hair, pity at the same time. He had through a hard time by his ownself. "Sorry hyungs. I really want to watch together but sadly I have some work to be finish" jungkook pout dissapointedly and hang his head down. "Never mind jungkook-ah~ we can do it later" jimin said and smile naughty at jungkook. Jhope who also understand what jimin means, smiled widely.

"Do what hyung?" Jungkook titled his head to other side, confused and didn't get what his two hyungs were mean. "Aww jungkookie~" jimin put one of his hands on the youngest shoulder, "you're so innocent you know" jimin smiled again, looking at him. "What? I'm seriously dont get it" jungkook said, show of his innocent side more. "What jimin means was, you can cuddle with us nextime" Jhope clear jungkook's mind.

"Cuddle? Who said I want?" Asked the youngest. "Come on~ you really love to cuddle with us right?" Jhope teasing him. He really loves to tease jungkook much. He finds its cute. "" Jimin look at him, smile still on his face. "Euuwww~ that's cheesy hyung" jungkook giggled cutely, thought his hyungs were really love to use that 'word' to him. "But you like it didn't you?" The teasing and keep teasing him until jungkook can't take it anymore. "No okay no~! I'm going upstairs" jungkook walk a bit fast, didn't want to hear his hyungs more. "His very cute hyung" jimin smiled while pick some channel to watch. "He is" smiled the older.


Night already comes, the clock shows that it was already 12 o'clock, the time to take a good sleep after a long tiring day that had been passes by all the people around the world. Jungkook, the youngest, already slept after he had settled down his work. His hyungs who already on their own room, own bed, didn't sleep yet. All of them were on a chat group.

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