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Its kinda weird when Deukhwan just let me to go to the hyungs alone. He rarely do this to me. He will always block or always there when I'm with hyungs but this time different. Without thinking any longer, I just head to the store that Deukhwan had mention. On my way to the store, someone approached me,

"Where do you wanna go young man?"

He's kinda old but not too. Its seems like a middle-aged man if look through his faces.

"Uhmm, I want to go to that store" I said politely as my finger pointed out the place was at. The middle-aged man or I call him ahjussi look at what I was pointed for. He then frowned,

"You sure you want to go there? The store didn't familiar here. No many tourist or people had come there. But I don't know why" he said. His face shown some worried feelings towards me. At first, I hesitate to answer it but I push it aside,

"Really? My hyungs were there. I want to call them to pick up our things to the hotel since today were our first time to come here" I said. I starched the back of my neck when I'm nervous.

"If that, its okay. Just go there carefully. I have to go" his reasurring smile took me. He patted my shoulder twice before he go to somewhere else.

"Didn't familiar?" I asked to myself. Its almost in a spoken tone as I didn't want the other peoples can hear it. I just shrugged and go to the store without wasting any time.

As I had went there, its true that the surroundings of the store was like a old store that didn't have anyone to take care of it. Its like not longer used with the den over the store that shows the scary side of it or simple words are haunted house. But I just bravely took every steps here even tho my mind was enquire itself what the purpose were my hyungs are here.

I look all over the place but there's no sign of any people here and obviously my hyungs too. Then, I heard something from my back. The sound of the dead leaves were heard loudly cause of someone's footsteps. The sound slowly become more loud from behind. I turn around, but nothing was there. As I turn back, the sound come back. I was badly shivering. There's no one here except me and the creepy 'sound'. Not to mention but Deukhwan, my hyungs and I were here in the evening since this place was way too far from our house. "I should heard the ahjussi said earlier" I thought, realised the dumb mistakes that I made.

"Who's there?" I asked. My voice didn't that loud but enough to hear. No response. I ask and keep asking but still nothing.

"Who's th-"

My mouth caught with a someone's hand on it. My eyes went wide. I can't talk properly but I'm trying. Trying to escape from him (?) As I expect it was a man.

"Don't worry~ I'm not gonna hurt you~" I heard the man says. His tone was kinda seducing. I sequel myself, try to lose the grip from him but didn't work.

"Shut up or I will...." He show off the knife infront of my face that made me stop and freeze in my spot. He then held the knife and put it at the side of my neck.

"Let. Me. Go" I tried to said but I didn't sure that he heard it or not. His hand still didn't want to release from my mouth.

"Didn't want to hear what I'm saying huh?" He said as he brought the knife that currently at my neck and settled it in front of my chest. He then aim at it and the knife was about a inch from my chest,




"NO!!!!!!" Jungkook shouted,

"Jungkook-ah~! Jungkook-ah~! Its hyung" Namjoon the first one to response when they heard a loud noise from jungkook's room. They rush themselves through the youngest room. "No!!!" The youngest keep shout and saying 'no'. His eyes still didn't opened. His hyunts repeatly call him until onetime he was back to sense. He opened his eyes to meet the 6 pair of concern eyes on him. He immediately hug one of his hyungs tightly. He didn't know who but from the scent, it tells him that its jimin. He cried.

Jungkook-ah~ don't cry. I'm here. We are here. You're safe now"Jimin shush him slowly. Jimin didn't hesitate to make one of his hands through the youngest hair and caressed it slowly. His fingertips were normally calm the youngest. Jungkook sobbed in his hyung hug.

"Having a nightmare?" Jin asked him. His caring tone made the youngest felt small. Jungkook just nodded in response, didn't bother to talk yet. Jin smiled and pat jungkook's hair softly.

"Don't leave me hyungs~" after 2 minutes passes with the silent atmosphere, jungkook finally managed to talk.

"We are not gonna leave you alone jungkookie. That's our promise" jhope said along with a smile on his face. The eyes that used to look at the youngest slowly become fond all over it.

"Sorry about yesterday. We didn't in time when the storm scared you. We're seriously sorry about it" taehyung said. He hanging down his head in guilty yet ashamed way. They really felt worst as a hyung towards jungkook that didn't have for him when he needed.

"Its okay hyung. I forgive you" jungkook smiled as he release the hug from jimin and sit himself properly. Tears are over his faces slowly gone when taehyung wipe it slowly using his thumb. "There you go~" taehyung smiled.

"Didn't want to talk about it yet?" Namjoon asked. He respect the youngest decision first. He didn't want to forced it. "Later can I?" Jungkook asked back.

"Alright then. Its up to you. If you feel okay, just tell us" Namjoon smiled. The rest automatically smiled when they saw the soft side of the youngest that rarely jungkook shows to them.

"Go to wash up now and go down to eat okay~?" Suga said. He looks at the youngest to confirm that he was okay now. Jungkook nod,

"Okay hyung. Just give me some minutes" jungkook said.

The 6 of them went out from the room to give jungkook to wash and prepared himself. Jungkook unknowingly smiled. Sometimes he love this feelings. Feelings that made him felt save and secure. There's no one can made him like this except one word. His hyungs.


A/N : hi!! How I miss you!!❤❤ sorry for the late update. Honestly, this chapter was like nahhhhhh for me. Like "what is this?". But I hope you like it a bit. A bit was really make me happy because I knew this chapter was yucksss. Anyway, see you in the next update ❤

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