Twenty two

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"Would you......" He complains and pushed Suga off from him.

But, Suga didn't move any single muscle. His face become serious back when he stare down lustly at the little one which meets his cute and big doe eyes.

Jungkook once again try to push the older but as expected, it doesn't work.

"Hyung....the others might see...."

"So? What's wrong with that? I wasn't doing anything to you"

Oh yeah. This position wasn't a thing

Disbelief. It shocked the youngest when Suga didn't even care about what he was currently do. Surprisingly, he becomes more closer when jungkook try to run away.

"Let go of me....." The more he beg, the less patient was building in Suga's.

However, their attention drop at some sounds knock from jungkook's door. When braincell suddenly active in shock, the youngest push all his strongness to fight Suga as he didn't want his others hyungs to see him like this. However, suga readily trap the little one on the bed back.

"I locked the door"

Jungkook lips being parted. He about to says something when,

"Jungkook-ah, did you see Suga? I have been searching him for the sucks 15 minutes"

With that, he close the youngest mouth before he could talk.

"I'm right here jin hyung"

"What are you doing in there? And where's jungkook?"

"I don't know where's him. Maybe he's out with Tae. Im busy doing some good stuff and you're about to disturb my work" his tone of voice was in annoyed condition.

"Okay. I need your help about 20 minutes from now"

"I will" he replied simply and release his hand from jungkook's mouth.

Natural feelings, his hand start to caressing jungkook's hair softly. He admired each part of his face. Start from the big doe eyes, his cute nose, those pinky lips and his plum yet cheeky cheeks. The older gently caressed each one of it as its so precious.

The harmony and beautiful atmosphere bought their gaze to each others. Calming wind slowly push the youngest bangs that covered his beautiful eyes. Suga quickly remove it away to aside to take a better view.

Jungkook's soft skin contact with the older hand. Stroking patiently around the youngest jawline that between his cheeks.

The sudden touched made jungkook gasp for air. He's breathless.

But luck are on his side.

"Suga hyung, can you open the door? I want to come in!"

He sighed. Why must in this time?

"What's now jimin?"

"I wanna see what are you doing. Jin hyung told me that you was do some good stuff and I'm curious"

"No. This stuff don't want so much participants but just one person. I will able to handle it alone though" he lazily mumbling.

"Please suga hyung. If not, I will use the spare key"

"Jimin, don't you dare - "

They heard a click sound. Jungkook's eyes went wide and immediately sit when suga go off from him.

"Hi hyung! - and jungkookie (?)......... What are you two doing and you hyung, you looks like a mess"

"I have to go" he messing his hair frustratedly and went out, leave the two innocent mind alone.

He tossing around his bed. Fidgety somehow made him feel like that. But its just different. He can't sleep although its already 1 in the morning. His eyes were tired but his body aren't.

The youngest then plan to go downstairs to catch something to drink.

With his half-open eyes, he slowly tip toed every step at the stairs in sleepiness condition. Their house was pretty dark as they didn't switch on many lamps in the night.

He went out and stood infront of the refrigerator and get his drink.

After done do his business, he rubbed his eyes with his cute little pout while heading to the stairs. He half sleep while walking until bumped into someone which freshening back his soul.


"V hyung?"

"What's wrong?" He concernly put his hand on jungkook's shoulder as if he was okay. The youngest sighed for a bit, realise how tired and sleep he was.

"Can't sleep" he mumbling softly

"Want to sleep with hyung?"

" I don't kn -"

"Come on" he lead the youngest to his own room. For not wanting to upset the older, jungkook obeyed and follow his hyung like a puppy.

"You lay first. I will be back" as right as they arrived.

Jungkook nodded. He just want to sleep and don't have any mood to argue with Taehyung.

As a good little brother, he lay down. His eyes somehow stared at the ceiling while waiting. About some minutes, he felt the bed being a little deep and no one but not least its Taehyung for sure.

He avoiding to made any eye contact. Taehyung pulled in his blanket to covered them fitly.

The older stroking the youngest hair softly. Jungkook feeling a bit calm at the touch.

"You okay?" He asked and looks at him.

"A bit" the youngest replied simply.

Taehyung smiled for once and give a soft kiss on jungkook's forehead.

The simple kiss made some tears gather in the youngest eyes. Taehyung rushed as he sit back and feel sank to see this kind of situation from his beloved dongsaeng.

"What's wrong jungkookie? Why are you crying?" He worriedly asks while support the youngest to sit as him.

Jungkook didn't stop from crying. But, gladly, his hyung was there. The older rubbed his back softly for some comfort.

"Miss hyungs"

He hiccups badly. He about to wipe out the rolled tears around his face when Taehyung cupped his cheeks and wipe it out using his thumb.

"We miss you too kookie"

"Come here" he gestures and pull jungkook closer for a hug. The youngest freely hug in return and still crying over Taehyung's shoulder.

The older shush him and doing everythings to made him feel better. His hand didn't leave the youngest hair and just keep caressing and stroking softly while says some reasurring and comfort words.

The time getting farther and jungkook crying sound was nowhere to be heard. Some sobs were lingering in the older ears.


No response.

"He must been sleeping" he thought.

With that, he slowly hold the youngest like a baby and placing him down at the bed. He adjust the pillow and make sure the blanket perfect enough to hide his body from the 'cold' attack.

"Goodnight" and kiss his forehead again, lying next to him and drift to sleep.


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