Untitled Part 55

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-Next Day-

The youngest just wake up from his beautiful sleep and open his phone cause of the notification sound and was welcomed with an another unknown number.

From : ??


To : ??

Hi (?) Who are you?

From : ??

Its Sejoung hyung jungkookie. I got your number from Deukhwan

He suddenly become happier and his sleepy mode was gone. He changed the number name

To : Sejoung hyung

Oh hi hyung! I miss you so much! And I'm very sorry too because the hyungs had changed my phone number

From : Sejoung

I miss you too jungkookie and its okay. Hyung understand. Shall we meet?

To : Sejoung hyung


From : Sejoung

If that so, let's meet up at 10 at the usual place that we used to go

To : Sejoung hyung

Got it hyung! See you there!

"Hyungs" he called out his hyungs many times while he was heading down.

"What's wrong jungkook?"

"Hyungs, can any of you send me at xxx place? Sejoung hyung want me to meets him there" he's hopeful.

"Sejoung?" They said in unison and a bit unbelievable expression to the youngest.

"Y-yea? Why?" He thought that his hyungs were weird just now.

The 6 of them honestly didn't want to let go of jungkook to Sejoung. They trust Sejoung but there's something that tugged into their hearts.



But he couldn't block the youngest request. They promise to themselves for not hurting their little brother anymore. Whether they want or not, they have to follow jungkook.

"Alright. Let me send you there" Taehyung offered him a ride before let out some air sighed.

Their chest clenched hardly. Don't want to let go the youngest from them even 1 second.

Sejoung sight still didn't see yet but there were them, in a car.

"I go first hyung" the youngest about to go out from the car when Taehyung grabbed him by the wrist.

Jungkook frowned, "what's matter hyung?" He asked cluelessly.

"He still didn't arrive. Just wait him here. Its too dangerous outside for leave you alone"

Jungkook somehow want to smile the fact that his hyung do care for him like he was a 6 years old kid but not wanting to upset and brake the mood, he sighed,

"Hyung, I can take care of myself. You don't have to worry. Sejoung hyung also will be here in some minutes" jungkook kindly said as he don't want to hurt Taehyung's heart.

"I have to. Even thought you're a grown up man now, but I still see you like a baby" Taehyung pouts.

"I'm not a baby, hyung" he chuckles cutely.

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