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-next day-

All the hyungs went to BPD house. Deukhwan didn't go cuz he's have a vacation with his friends.

"Where's jungkook appa?" V asked. "He probably go out for awhile with Sejoung but he said that he's on the way" BPD replied while scrolling his phone. Rapmon just give a sigh. "Why so sad huh?" BPD asked them, want to know why. "You know appa~ we really don't like jungkook too close to Sejoung" jimin said, jealousy was over his body. "That's all your guys fault!! Deukhwan-" . "yeah2 we know~ we really regret it" suga said to BPD. "You're lie" BPD replied as he didn't trust them 100 percent.

"Why? Suga hyung was right" jhope seem confused when his appa said like that. "You're not fully regret son" BPD said to them. "Wh-" jin didn't yet finished to talk, jungkook walk inside. "I'm home appa~! Oh? Hyung already here?" Jungkook a bit shocked cuz his hyungs comes that early.

Jungkook's hyungs just make a sad with mixture if mad face n ignored jungkook presence. All of them go to the living room.

"Appa~ what's wrong with hyungs?" Jungkook asked his appa slowly. "Its about you" BPD replied simply. "Me? Why?" Jungkook really can't understand what his appa trying to say. "Your hyungs was grumble cuz you go out with Sejoung" BPD explained to him clearly. "Really? Aish~" jungkook can't except that the fact his hyungs really can get jealous that easily. "You better persuade them jungkook-ah~" his appa give him some advice.

"I will give a try~...... But if it spent work?" Jungkook asked BPD as he didn't sure about that. "Of course it will be work! Go" BPD smile to jungkook. 

Jungkook walk slowly to the dining room where his hyungs were there together.

"Hyungs~" jungkook said in a low voice that already melt his hyungs heart. "Are you mad at me?" Jungkook asked. The hyungs just humming. "I'm very sorry~ don't mad at me" jungkook try to 'request' a apologize. "I really l-l-love you h-hyungs" jungkook said the word even he didn't comfortable with that.

"We are not believe you" jin said. "Fine~ just told me everything that you guys want and I will do" jungkook said, didn't want to make this problem going too far. "Anything?" Jhope look at him. "Yeah~ if that make you believe me" jungkook replied. "Give us a hug~" v give jungkook a proposal. "Yup~ that's an easy one" jimin also agreed. "O-okay" jungkook just accepted even tho his didn't want to do that, but what can he do, he thought.

"Come here jungkookie~" suga called him softly. Jungkook follow the rules and of course jungkook feel uncomfortable even with his hyungs. The hyungs really love the hug that jungkook gave. They really missed jungkook hug and scent of him.

"Look~dont get too close to Sejoung okay~ you're ours, no one can took you from us~ the hug, touch and the scent are ours~ remember that okay?" Suga said while look at jungkook lovingly. "Alright hyungs~" jungkook smiled.

"You know jungkook-ah, today~ we are gonna sleep well" jimin said happily while put one of his hand on v shoulder. "Why? Tell me" jungkook want to know. "It is because of you jungkookie~" v smiled. "Yup~ your sc-" . "rapmon hyung ! Please stop! I'm already shy now~" he whined cutely. "Aww~ alright2. Let's go to appa" jin said and put his hand on his maknae shoulder.


"Are you guys okay now?" BPD asked them. "Probably" jhope said with a big smile on his faces. "Aigoo~ what you have done jungkook-ah~ look!! Your hyungs very happy~!" BPD asked jungkook happily. "I didn't do anything appa~" jungkook laugh a little. "Yeah ~ you may not do anything to us but you make us gone crazy jungkook-ah~" suga said, kind of frustrated with his cute dongsaeng.

"Yeah!! We want to kish you so bad~" v said sadly while making a fake pout. "I'm not comfortable with that" jungkook said back to them. "Come on jungkook-ah~ you're the maknae n you must accustom for that!" Jimin said to him desperately. "Yeah jungkook-ah. I'm really pity for your hyungs cuz didn't get that such a present from you as a maknae~" BPD give jungkook a 'begging' smile.

"I will think of it" jungkook smiled awwarkdly. "Nah~ its okay if you don't want, right guys?" Rapmon asked the others while smile. "Yup~ its okay jungkook-ah, we understand~" jin also smile, didn't want to hurt jungkook feeling.

Jungkook just give them a smile but he really feel guilty for his hyungs cuz his hyungs really want that.


OK~ if you guys didn't understand what I mean when BPD said that he really pity for jungkook hyungs cuz didn't get such a present from jungkook as maknae ....

In this story, I make a rules , or we called it just my imagined that all the maknae in a group or siblings must give a present to his hyungs that older than him of course. N let's say all the maknae in a group/siblings have doing that but except jungkook cuz he didn't comfortable with it. The 'present' that I mean it is a kiss. Not a kiss like the drama or else. Its just a short kiss or we just said peck. All the maknae must be use to it. So jungkook didn't do it yet n the hyungs just waited for him. Its just a really really simple peck. Don't think too far, hehe. N I bet my readers also know that i don't like smut. :-) 


-next day-

"Hyungs!!! I'm home!!!" Deukhwan shouted from outside while running towards his hyungs who watch some movies. "Aww deukhwan ssi. We really miss you" jin said to him . "me too!!" Deukhwan replied happily yet sadly. "How vacation?" Suga asked for some feedback. "Its really great hyung! I wish I could go longer~" Deukhwan pout. "You will next time" rapmon smile and pat his back. 

"Hyungs~ you wanna know? When I'm on my way from the vacation an hour ago, I saw jungkook and I greet him but he just ignored me and rolled his eyes~ am I that bad hyungs~?" Deukhwan asked the rest and make a sad face to them. "Woaaahhh that jungkook~ that's too much!!!" V said and thought that jungkook was really that kind of a person that two-faced.

"Never mind deukhwan-ah, if we all saw jungkook~ we will give him a lesson cuz make our loved dondsaeng like that!!" Jhope said and want to make deukhwan feel better. "Jinjja hyung?!!" Deukhwan shouted, unbelievable. The hyungs just nod and smile but deep inside they don't know of they must trust Deukhwan or Jungkook.


A/N : hi my lovely readers!!!! Sorry for the late update again!! I'm very sorry!!! N sorry too for this chapter. I know its kinda boring right? Just tell me okay?

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