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Deukwan POV

"Deukwan-ah this is your room" jungkook said to me. "Where's yours" I asked him back. "At there" he said while pointing his room that were near to the others room (hyungs). "I want to sleep at your room" I said. "Why?" He asked me as his face shows that he really confused now. 

"I want to close to your hyungs" I smile evilly at him. This is the time. "I don't understand what are you trying to say" he said as he still didn't get what I mean. "Aww~ jungkook-shi. You're so innocent. You think I will let you and your hyungs act lovely in front of me? Huh?" I chuckled a bit. "I will do everything to get the hyungs from you". " I thought you we're - ". "I don't want to hear anything anymore and its definitive. I'll sleep and stay at your room". I cut him and leave him dumbfounded.

I was about to entered jungkook room...

"Why you're here?" I heard Jhope hyung said. "Does you supposed to go to your room Deukhwan-ah?" Rap Mon also asked. "I want to sleep at jungkook room" I replied. "Does jungkook give?" Rap mon hyung asked again. "Yeah he did. Ohh, I want to unpacked my things" I said and lied to escape from the question and towards go inside the room.

"Its weird" I heard from the door Jhope hyung said. "Yeah,sort of" rap mon hyung add. I'm sorry hyungs, I have to do this.


-dinner ttime-

No one POV

"Woahhh~! So many dishes!" Deukhwan said. "Yeah, I love cooking" jin smile. "Deukhwan-ah, can you call jimin,jungkook n v to come down?" Suga asked Deukhwan for a help. "Ok hyung. I will". "Jimin hyung, v hyung~ suga hyungs told me to call you guys to come downstairs for dinner" deukhwan said to the 2 of them who's playing some games. "Jinjja? Okay2" they said in the same time. 

"Yah! Come downstairs for dinner" he said to jungkook while rolled his eyes. "I'm not hungry" jungkook said to him while play with his phone. "Yah! Palli! Why you so stubborn?" Deukhwan feel anoyed. "I SAID IM NOT HUNGRY!!" jungkook shouted frustrated. 

Suddenly Jimin come to see what happen.

"What happen? What's so noisy?" Jimin asked the two of them. "Hyung, I - " jungkook didn't get a chance to finished it and Deukhwan interpurt "he's yelling at me" Deukhwan lied to jimin while making a 'pout'. "No!! Its not true at all!!" Jungkook defend himself. "H-" deukhwan about to say something but "stop,stop. Let's go downstairs" jimin said, want to calm the situation.

"Mmm, I'm not hungry hyung" jungkook said. "Jinjja?" Jimin asked him. "Yeah" jungkook replied. "Alright then. Jungkook-ah if you hungry, just  go downstairs for eat, OK?" . "okay hyung". "Let's go deukhwan" jimin said to him.


"Where's jungkook?" Rap Mon asked as two of them just come. " he said he's not hungry. I'm not sure if he's tell the tRuth or not" jimin said. "Maybe he's right jimin-ah".


-the next dday-

"Hyungs~ I'll go out for awhile" jungkook tell to his hyungs. "OK, be safe jungkookie" v replied with a smile. "Hyungs~ where jungkook go?" Deukhwan asked v who next beside him. "Ahhh~ he go out for awhile" v replied while watching television. "Where?" Deukhwan asked again. "I don't know".


"I'm home" jungkook entered. "Yah jungkook-ah, please clean my room" deukhwan said rudely. "Why me? Its ssupposed to be you!" Jungkook shouted a bit. "I see~ you don't wanna help huh?" Deukhwan smile evilly. "What you're gonna do?" Jungkook asked curiously.

"HYUNGS!!!!" deukhwan call all the hyungs and start with his evil plan. "What?" Suga asked. "Jungkook" along with a fake sobs. "What jungkook?" Jhope asked, still confused. "He-he-he slap me" . Jungkook in other hand was totally shocked "yah! When I slap you?!!". "Jungkook-ah, is that true?" Jimin asked him and a bit angry.

"Ani hyung, he's lie!!" Jungkook more like begging to his hyungs to trust him. "I'm disappointed at you jungkook-ah~" jin said while look at jungkook. "What I have done?". "Deukhwan sushi,go upstairs first" jin instruct him calmly. "Alright hyungs" he replied and as he about to go upstairs, he took a glace at jungkook and smirk.

"Jungkook-ah, listen. You think we are gonna trust you?" Rapmon said. "Jinjja hyung.... I didn't slap him" jungkook said as he really want his hyungs to trust him badly. "Alright. This time we believe you but if we heard again, don't ask us why we ignored you" suga said and warning angryly.

All the members walk away with mixture feelings. Jungkook cry alone at his room cuz he rreally didnt like to hurt his hyungs feelings and he already did.


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