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-Next day-

*on the phone*

Jungkook : yobuseyo?

Sejoung : jungkookie~ sejoung hyung here~

Jungkook : oh hyung!!! What's up?!

Sejoung : I want to take you go out~ can?

Jungkook : of course I can~ besides I'm very    bored now

Sejoung : (laugh) okay2. Wait for hyung~ bye

Jungkook : okay bye hyung~

*end of the call*




"Its very fun here!!" I said happily to my hyungs. "Happy huh?~" hobi hyung asked me. "Of cou- HYUNGS!! IS THAT JUNGKOOK?!" I cut my words when I saw my target. He he (evil laugh). I know what to do.

"Oh? sejoung?" I heard v hyung saw them. This is the time. Sorry jungkook-ah. "jungkook-ah!!!" I call him as sign to him to come towards us. I smile evilly at him.


As I was walking with sejoung hyung, I heard that someone call my name. I try to search who is it and then yes I found the owner of the voice. Its Deukhwan, my to-be enemy. Its become more worst when I saw my hyungs also there. "Oh my~ its not gonna be okay" I thought to myself as I saw them. I just ignored the fact and just react like nothing happen. "Oh? Deukhwan-ah~" I replied while go towards them with sejoung hyung.

As sejoung hyung and I went to them, " hi deukhwan ssi~ hi guys" sejoung hyung greet them. I can see the fake smile on my hyungs face. "Hi hyung!! What are you doing here?" Deukhwan asked him, pretend kind, urghhh. "I'm just take jungkook for out" sejoung hyung give him a smile. "Ahhh~ I see. Have fun" suga hyung smile to sejoung hyung. I know, their smile were fake. I can't do anything with it.I feel kind of frustrated there. "We have to go, bye" Deukhwan said as he push all the hyungs slowly to walk and give me and evil smile that I totally didn't like it.



After the incident at the funfair, the hyungs and jungkook didn't meet for 2 days until the next day the hyungs decided to go to their appa house cuz BPD told them that they didn't see him for a long time (sorry, its kinda cliche but I don't have idea, he he)

"Hi appa~" rapmon greet BPD. "How I miss you guys" BPD said while making a sad face. All the hyungs just laugh at their appa and suddenly jungkook come in, "sorry appa I'm late. Its very jam" jungkook told his reason. "Its okay" BPD smile, "greet your hyungs~" BPD said to him, be a good dongsaeng to them. "Urmmm~ I must take a shower first" jungkook give some excuse and go to his room fastly as he didn't want his appa asked him more questions.

"Jung-" his appa didn't finished his sentence Cuz jungkook already go. BPD smell something weird from his son, "are you guys fight?" BPD asked them as a father. "Maybe yes maybe not~" jimim give a sigh. "Tell appa~" BPD begging them. All of them told the BPD what happen 3 days ago. "Appa see~ its just a normal thing. I will tell jungkook" BPD try to solved the minor problems. "Its okay appa" jin said "no2" BPD didn't want to hear anything more.

The hyungs spend all the day with their appa and they didn't even talk to jungkook. Jungkook either.

"Bye appa~" rapmon said. "Wait~ jungkook~!" BPD call jungkook from outside. "Yeah~?" Jungkook come out and asked. "Say goodbye to hyungs~" BPD told him. "Ap-" BPD already leave them alone. Silence fill at the atmosphere were there stand. Jungkook try give a talk. "Are you mad at me?" Jungkook asked them, try to brave himself to ask. "We have to go now~ its already late" suga changed the topic, didn't want to talk about it for now. "O-okay~ bye" jungkook said sadly. Jungkook's hyungs just go without say a goodbye . Jungkook just sigh and sad nor his hyungs.


A/N : Hi my lovely readers!!!! I'm back!!! Sorry for the lattttttttttteeeeeee update!! I'm very sorry cuz I'm really busy with school plus I have exam in this 3 weeks but I will try stole some times to continue this book~! Sorry again!! N I PURPLE YOU!!!

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