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Few days passed. There's nothing much scene take part in those days except for jungkook's hyungs taking care of him. Sometimes a bit possessive than before.

For the voice, still keep coming when one of his hyungs were around him. But the voice didn't much push him cause of the less sweet, cute interaction between him and his hyung.

The youngest now able to walk by himself but in a slowly way. Apart of the legs were start to function as always. Once his hyungs caught up he's walk alone, they will help him directly.

In this time, this day, the youngest are about to go downstairs for some reason was immediately stop when a sudden voice flinched him,

"Where do you want to go little one?"

Jungkook look back and searching for the voice, where it come from. His shocking expression was meet with Suga who was standing while lean his back at the wall, crossed his arms and take a look at him from head to toe.

Jungkook was sure his face was on fire. What was with the face that suga give to him? Jungkook's eyes gone big as usual when he's flustered or getting shy nor shock while his lips was being parted.

"S-suga hyung?"

His innocence endeared Suga.

"Yes little one?" Suga looks not bothered. He acts like he didn't know anything from the start.

"Uh-huh no-nothing" the youngest bite his bottom lips and face to the front back.

Suga just let it be when the youngest walk down. He watched jungkook's every step carefully.

He smiled, "he's mine"

"Jungkookie, can you come to hyung now?" Jimin call the youngest in a soft way which jungkook listen and obeyed.

Jungkook took a peek from jimin's door,

"Yeah hyung?"

"Come here~" jimin gestures him who was standing aimlessly.

Not wanting to makes his hyung sad, he went there. Jungkook take every step with some seconds cause from the slow walk. Jimin's face was kind of impatient but he try to endure.

Didn't know, the youngest are in front of him right now but not close. There's huge space between them. Jungkook awkwardly stand, confront the older.

"Did you eat yet?"

"N-no hyung"

"Come eat with me" jimin easily find the youngest hand and hold it gently. The older stop his way when jungkook didnt move a muscle.

"Jungkook? Is there's anything wrong?"

"Nothing hyung. Let's go" he weakly smile

Soft knock were heard from the main door. All of their attention were caught by that sound.

"I will open it" jungkook volunteer and through go to the door. He open while take a peek. He's shocked,

"Deukhwan?" His voice was quiet slow, not show of some unexpected thing from himself.

"H-hi jungkook-ah" he barely look up at jungkook.

"Hi. Why are you here?"

"Uhmm, are hyungs here? You know, if you didn't mind, I want to meet them for awhile. Not longer I promise. I-I just want to apologize to them" Glad that jungkook can catch what Deukhwan said since he talks to fast, not leaving any second to inhale some air.

"Hey. Slow down. I'm not mad at you" jungkook smile, "give me some minutes, I will call the hyungs"

Deukhwan smile a little before jungkook went in back to call the hyungs.

"Who's at the door jungkookie?" Namjoon asked as he notice the youngest was standing infront of them.


They groaned annoyingly. Some of them huff in disgust.

"What he want?" Taehyung rolled his eyes and stares at the youngest for some answer.

"He want to meet you. He want to apologize to you hyung" jungkook averted to meets their gaze but he know, the hyungs were currently looking at him.

"Just tell him to go. We didn't want to face him anymore" Jhope harshly tell jungkook to inform Deukhwan.

"H-hyungs, just see him. Maybe he really realise his mistakes now. You should give it a try hyungs" the youngest try to beg his hyungs. His soft yet calming voice just makes his hyungs felt less anger and just fall with his charms.

"No jungkook. After all he had done to you, we are not gonna forgive him" jin try to endure the fact that jungkook was trying to make them felt better with some confidence.

"I-if y-you lo-love me, meet h-him" jungkook falters, cringe at how awkward was he sounds.

Jungkook didn't want to 'threatened' with them but its just a way to bought his hyungs to follow his words. Even though he was not completely sure what he was talking about, but somehow tell him, maybe he should start to throw the nonsense voice that had been haunted him.

The 6 of them immediately stare at him. They stare with lustful. Passion can be read through the 6 pair of eyes. Their patient for the youngest can't be held for some long time. The world felt like stop for awhile when their focused were fully at the youngest even jungkook still didn't want to look at them.

They stand up in unison. The 'stare' didn't leave even for a second from their eyes.

With that, jungkook didn't give a spare looks as they come closer, eyes swimming with something that he can't quiet make a decision.

Jungkook think for something that the hyungs will do at him but it was unbelievable surprised when his hyungs just walk passed him.

But without he know, Taehyung stop infront of him while bend a bit as at the same level, to see him in a better view, "wait here baby, we will be back"

He freeze.


A/N : hi!!!❤❤❤sorry. I think this book was going disjointed 🙏 but i'm still hope you like it😅 see you in the next chapter!❤

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