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Distance doesn't means anything when specific timing had wrapped around the finger.

The evocation are on fire, take the right from what had been passed. Passionate slowly growing up, admired each part of sickness and betrayed, causing the painful nor tattered nerves out of joint than the place it should be.

Its in the middle of a dark and spooky forest where there's a small wooden house, structure faded almostly. It has some unwanted plants around the creepy house. The sounds of insect even a good adding, gestures to leave this place soon.

The low-growing with green blades plants reached and half-closed the supporting of piece of the house. It's quiet impressive and can be able find on wherever scary movies that taking part. The dark chocolate decayed house itself just the only one in there. Its has been a years since the owner switched place and left the house unhealthy.

He parked the car at the nearest side to made everything easier. They can't be notice too when each of them playing their own role without any force and just calming atmosphere. The clock shown at 2 in the morning. Sun that used to bright exchanged away and covered up with the beautiful moon that perfectly hanging above. The white-fluffy clouds feels like walking around. Wind blowing and made it into separated ways and just the 2 of them without anyone, without peoples besides the huge forest that will be their witness.

He lifted the limped weightless body up and carried him carefully. The sounds of the soft snoring from the sleepy boy just could be heard. Jungkook didn't move a bit as he was a deeper sleep person. Sejoung bought him into the house, looking at the 2 sides with awareness and placed the youngest on the bed while waiting for dawn turn.

"Where's the hell is him?" He asked, grasping his hair harshly for some relieving. Sometimes, shout with all of lung will decrease our stress.

"Watch your word, Suga" Jin complained and shacked his head disproved.

They in the middle of waiting Deukhwan after one of them had called him to come over. There's many types of ways that they do but its just growing nothing. Many missed calls. Many unread messages. For the worst thing, his phone can't be reached and out of service when the last time they checked.

Their train of discussing were disturbed by a loud roar engine sounds. The attention immediately pays on it. The 6 pair of eyes following the presence from his first step until he was in front of them.

"Deukhwan-ah, thank you for coming" Namjoon said along with a tired sighed and invited him to sit with them.

Deukhwan obeyed as Namjoon gestured him to. "Straight to the point" he mumbling, didn't found any interesting with Namjoon's acting and want to puke instead.

"How to start this- uhmm I- do you know where's jungkook? Please don't say no" Hoseok perhaps he's not showing off too much of his begging and desprate side.

"I was actually going to say that but it seems you're into that kind of thing, then, I'm clear enough right?" He arrogantly replied, eyes landing just apart to them while his unbothered face stays winning.

"Oh God, you're a worst liar I haven't meets before" Taehyung said and lay his back on the couch, face cracked irritatedly.

"I'm quiet impressive of myself" his proud AF was eating their nerves speedily from side to side, inch to inch.

"Why are you even here" Jimin said while rolling his eyes in disgusted and somehow felt dissapointed of calling him. Its not even helped.

"You called me, dummy" he mocking them up.

"Please, just tell us where's him right now. Why you have to hide? Is it best?" Taehyung asked, half of him want to punch Deukhwan's face he swear.

"I. Don't. Know. Where. Is. Him." He said clearly, one word followed by one and another to made them understand.

"We didn't know how to find any help out there" Jin suddenly joined them with a sad tone while looking down, wondering the current location of their youngest at.

His eyes a bit full with tears. He remembered the time when he was the one who's taking care of jungkook with full of heart and fondness. He would let jungkook gets everything he want with just the puppy eyes that he made. He kind of Suga, will let the youngest do whatever he wish to but he's in motherly mode. The thing that made him want to cry when he had promised to Jungkook that he will protect him with all of costs. He wouldn't release jungkook into danger. He adores him. He loves him. He lost him.

Deukhwan felt a little bad. He bite his bottom lips for some ideas. Its not that he don't want to share with them about jungkook but he honestly didn't know even a single clue.

"I think he's with Sejoung right now" he mutters, finally drops his eyes on them, connected with each others. Now, he's seriousness.

"You think so?" Hoseok asked him back. Something tugged on his chest that this was a bad feeling. He's not that scared but scared enough about jungkook's safety.

Deukhwan hums and nodded. "I got to say, better be fast before its late" he warned them early.

"He have a mentally ill"


#^^ VOTE ^^#

• YoonKook/SugaKookie

• HopeKook/JungHope

• NamKook/KookieMonster

• VKook/TaeKook

• JiKook/KookMin

• JinKook

#^^ SIDE VOTE ^^#

- Deukhwan joins them -

• Yes

• No

Vote for another pairing but still BTSxJJK. Just been blinded by their songs. ❤

√ the limits of votes for one person = 3 votes √

• The Truth Untold

• Magic Shop

• Cypher 4

• Propose

• Home

• Miss Right

• Dimple

• I Like It Pt.2

• Hold Me Tight

• Ddaeng

• Dead Leaves

• Make It Right



🐱: So cute, Jungkookie is so cute


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