2 (edited)

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No one pov 

-next day-

"Wake up ! " Jin shouted from downstairs. Then, all the members except jungkook went down for breakfast. "Where's Jungkook?" Yoongi ask the Jhope. "I don't know. Maybe he still sleep" he replied. "I hope he didn't mad at us anymore" Jin add and all the members replied with a "ya~".

Not longer than Jungkook go downstairs but he just go direct to the door but were hinder by the suddenly question.

"You don't want to take a breakfast jungkook?" Jimin asked.

"I'm not hungry" the youngest replied with a cold tone while facing the door.

"Aww~ come on..." Jimin persuaded him.

"I said I'm not hungry".

"Don't lie to yourself. Its not good you know~" RM joined the conversations  .

"I want to go to my friends house. Don't wait for me until dinner" jungkook replied. "You want us to accompany you to your friends house?" Tae ask him. "Nevermind" and go out from the house.

The hyungs just give a big sigh.

"How we gonna settle this?" Suga asked as jungkook was out. "Like this.......



"I'm home" jungkook said in a low voice while entered the house. Suddenly all his hyungs blocked jungkook way again. "Why you're late?" Yoongi asked calmly but deep inside he's very worried.

"Why? Anxious?" He replied while rolled his eyes.

"Of course we are. Why you expect us not anxious towards you?" V asked him.

"Of course I feel that way. I'm not important in your life even Bang PD cousin want to come you didn't want to tell me" jungkook said while crossed his arms along with a pout"

The hyung can't help but to smile fondly at their maknae cute face.

"We love you, you know" Jimin said in a low voice while smile. Jungkook feel very uncomfortable when the hyungs says things like that.

"Prove me~" jungkook said while make an eye contact with one of them with a innocent face that can make his hyungs gone crazy cuz of his cuteness. "You want us to prove~?" Suga said while slowly lean to jungkook to close the gap to jungkook face.

"I-i-i will g-go upstairs first" jungkook replied while step back slowly from Yoongi's actions and run.

"He's very cute" jhope said while laughing. "Yeah~ look at his flustered face" Jin replied and the rest joined to laugh together at their maknae.


All the members already at the kitchen to have a breakfast. Then, jungkook go downstairs, towards the kitchen.

"Morning" jungkook approached.

"Morning jungkook-ah" Tae said and smile at him. "You sleep well?" Jin asked while put the dishes on the table.

"Of ccourse he is....." Jhope said and push Yoongi on the shoulder who sit beside him. Yoongi who's understand what Jhope wanna say and he replied "yeah of course he sleep well. He almost got a ki-"

Jungkook cut Yoongi's words "hyung~!!!" He whined cutely.

The rest just laugh at their conversation

"You're so cute you know" Jimin said while put his hand on jungkook shoulder. "Let's eat. I'm hungry" jungkook said.

They already have a breakfast and cleaned the dishes, suddenly they heard a knock from the door and jin opened it.

"Oh? Anyeonghaeseyo." He said and bow down to the guest. "Jin-ssi~ this is my cousin Deukhwan" Bang PD said. "Anyeong" Deukhwan said and smile. "Anyeong Deukhwan-ah. Let's go inside" jin said to the guest. "Who's at the door hyung?" Jimin asked jin. "Yah yah! Stand up. Deukhwan here" jin said to the members.

They stand up to see the cousin of Bang PD

"Deukhwan?" Yoongi asked as he still not know who's that. "Im Kang Deukhwan. Bang PD's cousin" He said while smile and bow politely

All of them become more close with Deukhwan when they introduce to each other.

"OK...... I have to go. Deukhwan behave to your hyungs and Jungkook also" Bang PD said. " I will" Deukhwan replied simply.


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