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It was Sunday. Many people were out to spend time together with the loved one after a long tiring and busy day from their works. But, its also didn't same as some people. The 6 of them were in their own room. Many works that they must settle it. They didn't want to be bothering with someone in that day.

"Hobi hyung, can I come in?" The youngest politely asked when he knock his hyung door. He didn't have to wait when jhope immediately replied, "of course you can dear~ come in" he said to the youngest normally. His hands were busu typing at his laptop in front of him. Jungkook then come in and go to his hyung. The youngest sat at the extra chair, beside jhope. The older didn't talk to him although the youngest was already next to him. His attention was on his works. "Uhm hyung............... Mark and Jackson invite me to come at Jackson house" jungkook said half way. The youngest bet his hobi hyung will understand it. But its was totally opposite from his thought.

"So~?" Jhope asked him. His eyes still didn't look at jungkook. Jungkook pout secretly. He didn't know that his hyung was really didn't understand what he means or just acting like one. "So........ Can you accompany me there?" The youngest asked. He really hope that his hyung can accept his request. It had been a long time he didn't meet his two childhood friends that were really close to him. "I'm sorry jungkook-ah. I'm really bush now" jhope said. Jungkook heart sink. At that time, he felt that his hyung like didn't love him anymore. He want to ask but he forced to himself for not to do that.

"Really? Uhm.... If like that, I just call sejoung hyung to pick me up" the youngest excitedly took his phone to call his sejoung hyung. He about to dial his sejoung hyung number when jhope snatched it from his hand. Jungkook look at jhope. "No jungkook. You have 5 other hyungs in this house" jhope finally look at the youngest in the eyes. "But hyung~! The rest must also busy like you~! Im just want sejoung hyung to send me there~!" Jungkook whined. He desprately want his hyung acceptable. "No jeon jungkook. If I said no and its no" jhope said. He put the youngest phone on the table. He then continue to do his work back. Jungkook slowly took his phone and went out from the room. He closed the door and try to ask his others hyungs help. "Urghh! Why must sejoung?! Always him! I don't know why jungkook love him so much tho" jhope said.

"Jimin hyung~?" Jungkook call his hyung out. He peeks from the door that was already open. His eyes was searching for jimin but he still didn't see him. Suddenly, "jungkookie, are you searching me? I'm at taehyung room" jimin a bit shouted for the youngest to hear. Taehyung's room was beside namjoon's room but not far from jimin's. Jungkook make his way to them. As he already infront of the door, he saw his two hyungs were busy discuss about something. He went in.

"What are you two were doing?" The youngest asked. He look at his two hyungs were infornt of him. "Nothing much jungkookie. Just want to finish our works" jimin said. Taehyung then start to talk, "what do you want? Seem like your face need some help" taehyung look at him. The two of them wait for an answer from jungkook mouth. Jungkook not sure if he want to ask them or not because he already knew what kind of answers that they will give. "Can you send me to Jackson house? Mark also there and he want me to come there too" the youngest just try to ask. Taehyung and jimin look at each others. Their face seem a bit guilty and it gave jungkook a hint of their answers.

"We want to but we can't jungkook-ah. I'm sorry. We really busy now" jimin apologize to the youngest. "Yeah me too jungkook-ah. Sorry okay?" Taehyung look at him through the eyes. He want to make sure the youngest was really okay. "Okay hyungs. I understand" jungkook said. He look down. The two of them knew that jungkook was sad. They didn't know what to do. "Hey~ how about you ask the others jungkook-ah. Maybe they can arrive you there" taehyung said. He smile at the youngest. He didn't want the youngest to feel sad anymore. "Can I ask sejoung hyung for help?" Jungkook asked and look up to look at them. Their face suddenly changed. It shows their mixed feelings in it. "If its sejoung, and then its no" jimin said. He crossed his arms and lean his body to the chair. The eyes that always full of lovely towards the youngest was become a glared now. "What's so special about him huh?" Taehyung asked the youngest. He kinda mad of it. "I'm just want to ask him for help hyungs. A HELP okay. Please don't say anything bad about him. He's a kind person" the youngest honestly was very mad at his hyungs. They were always didn't like his sejoung hyung for no reasons. But the youngest just hold his anger and try to talk to them slowly with respectful.

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