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The sun was high above the sky, shining brightly as always. The world become busy back with the daily routine such as working, jogging, eating and others. Early in the morning, Jin, Suga, Jhope, Namjoon, Jimin, and Taehyung were heading at a expensive yet beautiful apartment that was not too far from their houses. The twelve-floor apartment was popular with the creative design in all the buildings. The 6 of them went there and go through at the eight-floor of the apartment.

"Deukhwan-ah, its hyungs. Open the door" suga said, trying to knock the door many time but Deukhwan still didn't open it. They also tried to called him but no response in the other lines. "Maybe he still sleeping" taehyung said while turning himself to face the others. Suddenly, they heard a crack sound from Deukhwan's door. They look at the door and were welcomed by Deukhwan sleepy face. "Oh hyungs? Sorry. I was sleeping. Didn't know you want to come this morning" rubbed his eyes while standing infront of the door.

"Are you mad at us because you know, yesterday incident" namjoon said, looking at him with a face guilty. The rest just waiting for an answer. "A bit but I had forgive you hyungs. So don't worry" Deukhwan smiled, his eyes was open big as always. The 6 of them gladly smile together. Its a big relieved when Deukhwan had forgive them. "Thank you sweetie~ you're very kind" jin smiled and pull Deukhwan into a hug and Deukhwan just let in with a happy feelings. Jin and Deukhwan release the hug slowly. "Let's us treat you for breakfast as a symbol of our guilty towards you" jhope happily said, cheered up the mood back when he noticed the awwarkd situation had come between them. "Okay! I would love too hyung!" Deukhwan excitedly and jumping a bit that make the hyungs smiled ear to ear.

"Okay kid, go take a bath first. We will waiting you here" jimin said, slightly laugh with Deukhwan childish behaviour. "Yah hyung! I'm not a kid okay" Deukhwan said. He playfully crossed his arms and stomp his feet a little. "Yes you are Deukhwan ssi" suga said, judge him from head to toes as he was totally a kid that didn't grown up. That's make Deukhwan more tensed. "No" he replied even his knows that they just want to play around with him. "Then? If you're not a kid, what is you?" Jimin asked back to him and it makes Deukhwan turn into a confident faces. "I'm a baby of course" he said while make a cute, spoil smiled to them. But it wasn't as he expected to be. They just frown at him with their unbelievable look. "Euuww~ go to shower can you" v said, push him to go inside to prepare himself and leave Deukhwan with some laugh while heading to his room.


When all of them had arrived at the restaurant that they had decided to go, they took a sit on a table that consists 7 chairs, much for each of them. While waiting for the waiter to take some order because of the busy restaurant that were fill with a bunch of customers, they just have a small talk, talk about some stuff together. In the midst of talking, jhope phone suddenly popping out as sign that someone had delivered a chat/ message to him. He can't guest who's the one that send to him in that early. His face turn into a lovely smile when he saw that his loved dongsaeng that send to him. The rest include Deukhwan didn't realize what he was currently doing moreover he was the one that sit at the corner of the table. Without wasting any time, he opened the chat.

From : Jungkookie ♥


: Hobi hyung~


: ayiee~ you're up? 😊


: yes. Where did you go hyung with the others?


: We were out for awhile. We didn't want to bother your beautiful sleep


: Ahh hyung~ its okay. Just wake me up nextime okay?


: Okay dear~ hyung sorry


: No2 don't say sorry. I'm not mad at you


: Thanks jungkook-ah~ 😊 we will be back in an hour


: Okay~! Be safe hyung 😊♥ bye~!


: bye baby ♥


: Don't call me like that!! I don't like it


: But hyung like to call you like that


: No hyung~!


: 😘♥

Jhope chuckled when he read back the youngest chat and off his phone. He suddenly miss jungkook presence. No one of them didn't miss him. His behaviour make them really want to have him in their side always and didn't want to let it go. Jungkook was so special to them. Jhope join back their conversations. Not longer that that, the waiter come to their table, "may I take you order?".


A/N : hi!!♥ this was the second chapter!! Sorry if this chapter was not good. I will keep trying 🙏😭♥

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