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"Uhh I - hyungs? You were there? Since when?" He got all flustered even his voice was shacking. This was not a good starting.

"Did we look like we gonna answer your dumb question?" Jhope hissed him. Deukhwan taken back his words. He stay silent as he didn't know what to talk.

"What did you do to jungkook?"

"I didn't do anything hyung"

"Come on, we heard all Deukhwan. ALL. He's in the hospital! What did you do to him?!"

"Why did you care so much about him hyung? After all he had done to you, you still care for him? Still love him?" Deukhwan can't hold his anger anymore. His eyes were shown all of his 'didn't satisfied' of jungkook when he looks at them.

"I don't think that he do all of that otherwise you're the one who planning it" taehyung glared at him and makes Deukhwan quickly clear their mind.

"Hyungs~ this just misunderstanding - "

"I don't want to hear any! You know, sometimes I think like I'm such a stupid person that had trust you from the first place! If I knew everything would be like this, I - " suga got cut,

"Hyungs~ I'm not. You j-just didn't know the truth. I love you hyungs~"

"Don't ever say that you love us Deukhwan. We can't felt it when it comes to you" taehyung rolled his eyes along with a huff in disgust.

"Don't you love me hyungs?" Deukhwan eyes were really pleading that he always do to them when he want their trust but not this time.

"Yes. We love you. We had love you. But its the pass"

"Hyungs~! Dont do this to me! Jungkook doesn't deserve your love! He such a -"

"Then, you does deserve our love? I think not" suga state straightly.

"I don't understand why all of you loves him so much! What's so special about him?! He just an adopted child in your family hyungs!"

"Yes! He's an adopt child in our family and what's wrong with that?! There's no excuse for us from stop loving him!"

"What's wrong with you?!"

"You! This all about you Deukhwan! You did all this! You're such a mess! Didn't you ever realise that you're so pathetic!? We are not gonna forgive you after all you had done to jungkook!" Jin let out all. He really mad at Deukhwan for makes their 'maknae' like that. He really deserve that.

"You love me! Not him!"

"What is love Deukhwan? What the meaning of love Deukhwan?!" Jimin asked him, a bit of impatient. He bought Deukhwan into silent. Deukhwan didn't dare to talk. He had no idea with it.

"Answer me!"

"NO! I don't know! But he took my precious life hyungs! I bet that his parents also like that. Always distract someone's life! - "

"You ! " Namjoon about to slap him but was held by suga at the wrist, "stop namjoon" suga command him. Namjoon just let suga control his anger.

"Why you stop him hyung?! You want to slap me? Then slap"

"Stop Deukhwan. We're not in a mood to fight with you" jimin tried to talk as normal as he could. He very tired of it. He just want all this problems solve and just want to be around with the youngest.

"No. I don't want to stop until you throw jungkook out from your life!"

"What's wrong with you?! Are you crazy?!" Jhope can't help with Deukhwan's stubborn that seriously boils up his anger more.

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